
Partnership of the Department of Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastres

The department maintains close creative relations with colleagues from many Russian universities (G.V. Plekhanov St. Petersburg State Mining InstituteSt.-Petersburg State Forest Technical University), as well as with foreign colleagues from the University of Montenegro, university of Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Geodesy (Sofia, Bulgaria).

Teachers of the Department collaborate with leading construction and design organizations, such as the St. Petersburg Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, Rostekhinventarizatsiya Federal BTI (five to six SPbGASU are annually employed by this organization), the State Department of Inventory and Real Estate Appraisal, Leningrad Regional Cadastral Chamber, OOO Limb, Municipal Administration of Gatchina, Municipal Administration of Kirovsk.

This cooperation gives the Department with the opportunity to contribute the theoretical knowledge into practice when solving complex geodetic problems, and on the other hand, to use the experience gained in practice in teaching.