Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training
When studying in the field of study 09.04.03 "Applied Informatics", master students learn to accompany IT projects and software at all stages of the life cycle, master modern programming and computer modeling technologies, and apply them to solving problems in various applied areas. They study technologies of information modeling (TIM), artificial intelligence, big data, 3D printing and much more.
Master students receive in-depth knowledge in the field of data analysis, software design and development, work with software to solve various applied problems.
Studied profile disciplines:
- Software systems design
- IT project management and software quality assessment
- Programming technologies
- Intelligent technologies in urban environment optimization tasks
- Applied information technologies
- 3D printing, virtual and augmented reality technologies
- 1C programming
- Research activities in software packages based on FEM
- Methods of modeling complex dynamic systems
- Building information modeling
- Programming in BIM tasks
- Big data analysis/Cloud technologies
- Computer modeling of nonlinear processes in construction
- Modern technologies for data storage and processing/Technologies for developing software interfaces
- Research methodology
Graduates of this specialization can work as:
- heads of departments, divisions (specialists) for the implementation and support of automated systems
- heads of departments, divisions (specialists) for the development of software and databases
- specialists: computer systems analyst, systems analyst, BIM manager, information systems support manager, 1C programmer
- specialists in working with software in construction companies
- developers and architects of application software
- computer data analysts
- systems analysts