Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training
When studying in the field of study 09.03.03 "Applied Informatics" students master modern technologies of programming and computer modeling, apply them to solving problems in various applied fields. They study technologies of information modeling (TIM), artificial intelligence, big data, website and mobile application development, geographic information systems, simulation modeling, IT projects and much more.
Students master modern programming languages and technologies (desktop development, web development), database tools, tools for administration, configuration, management and support of IT projects, BI (Business Intelligence) tools, and information modeling (BIM) tools.
Students receive basic knowledge in mathematics and construction, and in-depth knowledge in IT technologies: programming, administration, configuration, support of information systems, including corporate ones, for solving various applied problems, including in construction and business.
Studied profile disciplines:
- Life cycle of information systems and participation in IT projects
- Business processes of IT companies and development of technical documentation
- Basics of computer technologies for project management
- Information and analytical systems
- Corporate information systems
- Software testing
- Computer programming
- Object-oriented programming
- Databases
- Internet programming
- Operating systems and networks
- Information systems administration
- Computer architecture and Assembler language
- Discrete mathematics: mathematical logic and graph theory
- Probability theory and mathematical statistics
- Data mining
- Methods and models of operations research
- Probabilistic and simulation modeling
- Numerical methods and programming in mathematical environments
- Computer and mathematical modeling in construction problems
- Finite element software packages
- 3D printing and its basics robotics
- Technologies for the development of information models (TIM)
- TIM coordination and the basics of TIM management
Graduates of this specialization can work as:
- software developer (C++, Python, Java);
- Web programmer (frontend, Backend, full stack);
- Information systems developer;
- Database developer;
- Database administrator;
- BI (Business Intelligence) architect;
- BI developer;
- ERP consultant, ERP programmer (1C);
- Business informatics specialist;
- Computer systems analyst;
- Systems analyst;
- Information systems support manager;
- Software tester.