
Civil Engineering

Master's degree 08.04.01 / Cost per semester: ₽ 134 000

Budget places available
Admission 2025

Intramural studies


2 years

Educational program specializations

Design of reinforced concrete and masonry constructions (RCC)

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Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

  • Knowledge, skills, abilities for the implementation of innovative, surveying and design and calculation, as well as research and teaching activities for the design, construction, operation, monitoring and reconstruction of buildings and structures
  • Knowledge of design methods, calculation and monitoring of buildings and structures, their structural elements, including the use of universal and specialized software and computer systems and computer-aided design systems
  • Knowledge of modern construction technologies and methods of reconstruction of buildings and structures
  • Ability to develop draft, technical and working designs of complex objects, including using computer-aided design systems
  • The ability to perceive, analyze and implement managerial innovations in professional activities
  • Skills in conducting scientific research in the field of design, calculation and monitoring of buildings and structures in the process of their construction and operation

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Design preparation in construction
  • Theory of calculation and design of building structures
  • Analytical and numerical methods for calculating building structures
  • Complexes of programs for the calculation of building structures of buildings and structures
  • Design of building structures according to European standards (Eurocode)
  • Design of reinforced concrete structures
  • Design of metal structures
  • Design of timber structures

Graduates of this specialization can work:

  • structural subdivisions of state authorities and local self-governinig bodies engaged in construction activities, including design, construction, operation, monitoring and reconstruction of buildings and structures
  • higher and secondary specialized educational institutions that carry out educational activities in the design, construction, operation, monitoring and reconstruction of buildings and structures
  • public and private organizations engaged in scientific research, design, construction, operation, monitoring and reconstruction of buildings and structures
  • enterprises engaged in the development of machines, equipment and technologies necessary for the construction and production of building materials, products and structures

Entrance examination program for master's degree in the specialization Construction design of buildings and structures

Design of metal and timber constructions (MTC)

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Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

  • Knowledge, skills, abilities for the implementation of innovative, surveying and design and calculation, as well as research and teaching activities for the design, construction, operation, monitoring and reconstruction of buildings and structures
  • Knowledge of design methods, calculation and monitoring of buildings and structures, their structural elements, including the use of universal and specialized software and computer systems and computer-aided design systems
  • Knowledge of modern construction technologies and methods of reconstruction of buildings and structures
  • Ability to develop draft, technical and working designs of complex objects, including using computer-aided design systems
  • The ability to perceive, analyze and implement managerial innovations in professional activities
  • Skills in conducting scientific research in the field of design, calculation and monitoring of buildings and structures in the process of their construction and operation

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Design preparation in construction
  • Theory of calculation and design of building structures
  • Analytical and numerical methods for calculating building structures
  • Complexes of programs for the calculation of building structures of buildings and structures
  • Design of building structures according to European standards (Eurocode)
  • Design of reinforced concrete structures
  • Design of metal structures
  • Design of timber structures

Graduates of this specialization can work in/at:

  • structural subdivisions of state authorities and local self-governinig bodies engaged in construction activities, including design, construction, operation, monitoring and reconstruction of buildings and structures
  • higher and secondary specialized educational institutions that carry out educational activities in the design, construction, operation, monitoring and reconstruction of buildings and structures
  • public and private organizations engaged in scientific research, design, construction, operation, monitoring and reconstruction of buildings and structures
  • enterprises engaged in the development of machines, equipment and technologies necessary for the construction and production of building materials, products and structures

Technology of construction (CT)

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Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

  • The ability to set and solve scientific and technical problems and carry out research of objects and processes in the field of construction and housing and communal services
  • The ability to solve problems of professional activity based on the use of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, as well as the mathematical apparatus
  • The ability to use and develop design and administrative documentation, conduct and organize design and survey work in the field of construction and housing and communal services, carry out technical expertise of projects and supervision of their compliance
  • The ability to organize and manage the work of a team, developing a team strategy to achieve the goal, apply modern communication technologies, including in foreign languages, analyze and take into account the diversity of cultures in the process of intercultural interaction
  • The ability to carry out a critical analysis of problem situations based on a systematic approach, to develop an action strategy
  • Skills in conducting scientific research in the field of technology and organization of construction production
  • The ability to manage a project at all stages of its life cycle, as well as to manage an organization operating in the construction industry and housing and communal services

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Fundamentals of scientific research
  • Construction organization management
  • Organization of production activities
  • Organization of design and survey activities
  • Methods and forms of organization of construction production
  • Ensuring construction production
  • Design and production preparation
  • Methods for the production of construction and installation works
  • Team building technologies
  • Renovation of residential and industrial buildings
  • Construction organization modeling
  • Activities of the technical customer and contractors
  • Construction control and technical supervision

Graduates of this specialization can work in/at:

  • structural subdivisions of state authorities and local self-governing bodies, carrying out activities in the field of construction and housing and communal services
  • design and survey organizations involved in the development of projects for the management of construction and projects for the organization of work
  • development and investment and construction organizations, including structures of a technical customer, as well as as a project manager and head of a project office
  • contracting construction organizations as the head of the organization, the head of the facility (head of the construction site), the head of the production and technical department, the head of the project;
  • higher and secondary specialized educational institutions carrying out educational activities in the field of construction and housing and communal services
  • research organizations engaged in activities on technology and construction management

Entrance examination program for master's degree in the specialization Construction technology and management

Organization of construction (OC)

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Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

  • The ability to set and solve scientific and technical problems and carry out research of objects and processes in the field of construction and housing and communal services
  • The ability to solve problems of professional activity based on the use of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, as well as the mathematical apparatus
  • The ability to use and develop design and administrative documentation, conduct and organize design and survey work in the field of construction and housing and communal services, carry out technical expertise of projects and supervision of their compliance
  • The ability to organize and manage the work of a team, developing a team strategy to achieve the goal, apply modern communication technologies, including in foreign languages, analyze and take into account the diversity of cultures in the process of intercultural interaction
  • The ability to carry out a critical analysis of problem situations based on a systematic approach, to develop an action strategy
  • Skills in conducting scientific research in the field of technology and organization of construction production
  • The ability to manage a project at all stages of its life cycle, as well as to manage an organization operating in the construction industry and housing and communal services

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Fundamentals of scientific research
  • Construction organization management
  • Organization of production activities
  • Organization of design and survey activities
  • Methods and forms of organization of construction production
  • Ensuring construction production
  • Design and production preparation
  • Methods for the production of construction and installation works
  • Team building technologies
  • Renovation of residential and industrial buildings
  • Construction organization modeling
  • Activities of the technical customer and contractors
  • Construction control and technical supervision

Graduates of this specialization can work in/at:

  • structural subdivisions of state authorities and local self-governing bodies, carrying out activities in the field of construction and housing and communal services
  • design and survey organizations involved in the development of projects for the management of construction and projects for the organization of work
  • development and investment and construction organizations, including structures of a technical customer, as well as as a project manager and head of a project office
  • contracting construction organizations as the head of the organization, the head of the facility (head of the construction site), the head of the production and technical department, the head of the project;
  • higher and secondary specialized educational institutions carrying out educational activities in the field of construction and housing and communal services
  • research organizations engaged in activities on technology and construction management

Entrance examination program for master's degree in the specialization Construction technology and management


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Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

  • Skills in innovative, surveying and design and calculation, as well as research and teaching activities in the design and construction of underground parts of buildings and structures
  • Knowledge of design methods and calculations of underground parts of buildings and structures, structural elements
  • Knowledge of modern construction technologies and methods of reconstruction of underground parts of buildings and structures
  • Ability to develop design and working documentation for projects of underground parts of buildings and structures using computer-aided design tools
  • The ability to perceive, analyze and implement managerial innovations in professional activities
  • Ability to conduct scientific research in the field of design and construction of underground parts of buildings and structures, construction technology, manufacturing products and structures for underground construction

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Modern underground construction technologies
  • Organization of underground construction in dense urban areas
  • Modern designs of underground parts of buildings and structures
  • Underground urban studies: architecture and geotechnics
  • Methods for surveying underground parts of buildings and structures
  • Theory of elasticity in geotechnics

Graduates of this specialization can work:

  • structural subdivisions of state authorities and local self-governing bodies, carrying out construction work, including the design, construction and operation of underground buildings and structures
  • higher and secondary specialized educational institutions that carry out educational activities in the design, construction and operation of underground parts of buildings and structures
  • public and private organizations engaged in scientific research, design, construction, operation of underground parts of buildings and structures and other construction projects
  • enterprises engaged in the development and manufacture of building materials, prefabricated and monolithic products and structures for underground construction

Entrance examination program for master's degree in the specializstion Geotechnics

Production of construction materials, products and structures

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Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training

  • The study of modern technologies of construction materials, products and structures
  • Ability to conduct testing, quality control and technical expertise of construction products
  • Ability to conduct research in the development of new materials and technologies for products based on them
  • Conducting technical expertise of construction projects
  • Possession of methods for assessing the technical condition of buildings, structures, their parts and engineering equipment
  • Formulation of technical specifications and development of technical conditions, enterprise standards, instructions and guidelines for the use of materials, technologies and equipment

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Fundamentals of scientific research in modern materials science
  • Resource-saving technologies of construction materials
  • Design of technologies for construction materials and products
  • Organization of production of construction materials and products
  • Test methods and quality control of construction materials
  • Research methods in construction materials science
  • Technology of highly functional concretes
  • Composite materials technology

Graduates of this specialization can work in/at:

  • organizations involved in the design, construction, operation of civil and industrial buildings
  • enterprises of the construction industry
  • higher and secondary specialized educational institutions
  • state authorities and local self-governing bodies
  • bodies of state or independent expertise
  • research institutes

Entrance examination program for master's degree in the specialization Production of construction materials, products and structures


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Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training

  • Innovative, surveying and design and calculation, as well as research and teaching activities in the design and construction of roads
  • Knowledge of design methods and calculations of automobile and city roads, structural elements
  • Knowledge of modern construction technologies and methods of reconstruction of automobile and city roads, road structures on them
  • Ability to develop design and working documentation for transport facilities projects using computer-aided design tools
  • The ability to perceive, analyze and implement managerial innovations in professional activities
  • The ability to conduct scientific research in the field of road design, construction technology, the manufacture of road building materials, products and structures

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Fundamentals of scientific research in building materials science
  • Features of the design of highways and city roads
  • Automated design of transport facilities
  • Modern methods of road construction
  • Modern methods of road diagnostics
  • Modern methods of repair and maintenance of roads
  • Modern methods of reconstruction and overhaul of roads
  • Quality management of road construction

Graduates of this specialization can work in:

  • structural subdivisions of state authorities and local self-governing bodies engaged in road activities, including design, construction and operation of roads;
  • higher and secondary specialized educational institutions that carry out educational activities in the design, construction and operation of roads
  • public and private organizations engaged in scientific research, design, construction, operation of roads and other transport infrastructure facilities
  • enterprises engaged in the development and manufacture of road building materials, prefabricated and monolithic products and structures for highways and road structures on them
Entrance examination program for master's degree in the specialization Roads

Heat and gas supply and ventilation

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Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training

The training of students in the profile "Heat and gas supply and ventilation" in the master's degree program is mainly based on the knowledge obtained during the bachelor's degree in this field. Many disciplines represent further advanced training in the already mastered disciplines. The peculiarity of training in the master's programs is the study of numerical modeling (numerical analysis) of the operation of engineering systems of buildings, structures, the study of the parameters of the microclimate of premises. This allows to model the processes occurring in the premises when using designed and calculated heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems; model the processes of cleaning emissions into the atmosphere, the processes of dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere and many others. Particular attention is paid to project-based learning, with a focus on research activities.

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Basics of scientific research 
  • Special sections of heating, ventilation and air conditioning 
  • Heat-generating units 
  • Heat supply 
  • Gas distribution systems and gas-consuming equipment 
  • Providing thermal conditions for premises 
  • Non-stationary conditions of buildings and air conditioning of premises 
  • Air protection 
  • Resource and energy saving in heat and gas supply systems

Graduates of this specialization can work in/at:

  • research organizations; 
  • design, construction and installation organizations; 
  • housing and communal services organizations.

Water supply and sanitation

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Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

  • Ability to determine the initial data for the design of environmental management and water use facilities, to manage surveys to assess the state of natural and natural-technogenic objects
  • Methods for designing engineering structures, their structural elements, methods of engineering calculations necessary for designing systems, facilities and structures for environmental management and water use
  • Study, analysis and comparison of domestic and foreign experience in the development and implementation of environmental management and water management projects
  • Knowledge of decision-making methods in the formation of the structure of natural-technogenic complexes, methods for analyzing environmental, economic and technological efficiency in the design and implementation of projects for environmental management and water use, projects for restoring the natural state of water and other natural objects
  • Ability to ensure that the quality of environmental management and water use projects comply with international and national norms and standards
  • Ability to formulate the goals and objectives of research, apply knowledge of research methods in the study of natural processes, in the examination, examination and monitoring of the state of natural objects, objects of environmental management and water use and the impact on the environment of anthropogenic activities
  • Ability to develop and maintain databases of experimental data, search and sel ect methods for solving research problems, compare and analyze the results of research, perform mathematical modeling of natural processes
  • Ability to professionally use modern scientific and technical equipment and instruments, as well as professional computer software
  • Ability to collect, summarize and analyze experimental and technical information, draw conclusions, formulate conclusions and recommendations, implement the results of research and development and organize the protection of intellectual property rights
  • Ability to make professional decisions based on knowledge of the technological processes of environmental management and water use during the construction and operation of environmental management and water use facilities
  • Ability to use knowledge of water and land legislation and rules for the protection of water and land resources to verify their compliance with water use, land use and environmental management
  • Ability to provide high quality work during the construction and operation of environmental management and water use facilities, the ability to search, obtain, process and analyze data fr om field and laboratory studies, surveys, examinations and monitoring of environmental management and water use facilities

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Water supply systems and facilities
  • Water disposal systems and facilities
  • Engineering and technological reconstruction of water supply systems
  • Reliability of water supply and sanitation systems
  • Organization of operation of systems and facilities for water supply and sanitation
  • Water resources protection
  • Modeling of water supply and sanitation systems
  • Engineering and technological reconstruction of water disposal systems
  • Technologies for laying engineering networks

Graduates of this specialization can work:

  • organizations involved in the design, construction, operation of water management systems for complex purposes
  • enterprises of the construction industry
  • higher and secondary specialized educational institutions
  • state authorities and local self-governing bodies
Entrance examination program for master's degree in the specialization Water supply and sanitation


Admissions Committee

Contact for inquiries about admission to the faculty

Dietrikh Dmitry K.
Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Municipal Services Other fields of study