
Electric power engineering and electrical engineering

Bachelor's degree 13.03.02

Paid places only
Admission 2025

Extramural studies


4.5 years

Educational program specializations

Electrical supply and automation of buildings

Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

professional knowledge and skills in matters of calculation, design and operation of: electrical equipment of buildings and structures; automatic control systems for electrical equipment; automatic design of electrical systems of buildings and structures (TIM technologies); design of "smart home" systems; electrical substations; power supply systems for technical facilities and industries; electrical machines, transformers, electromechanical complexes and systems, including their control and regulation; automatic control devices and relay protection in the electric power industry.

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Electrodynamics 
  • Electronics 
  • Modeling of electrical systems 
  • Electrical machines 
  • Electrical and electronic devices 
  • Electronic converters of buildings and structures 
  • Electrical safety of residential and industrial buildings 
  • Standardization in electric power engineering 
  • Electromagnetic compatibility 
  • Computer design of electrical systems of buildings (TIM-technologies) 
  • Theory of automatic control 
  • Electrical equipment of buildings and urban environment 
  • Non-traditional sources of electrical energy of structures 
  • Microprocessor control of engineering networks of buildings 
  • Design of intelligent automation systems of buildings

Graduates of this specialization can work in:

public and private companies in the energy sector involved in calculations, design and operation of electrical systems and equipment for buildings and structures.


Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Municipal Services

Visiting address

Offices 325-C, 327-C, 329-C, 331-C, 4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

You can ask a question about admission to the faculty to the Deputy Executive Secretary of the SPbGASU Admissions Committee for work at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Municipal Services

Volkova Yana A.
Режим работы

Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 18:00

Friday 9:00 - 17:00