

Specialist degree 40.05.03 / Cost per semester: ₽ 111 300

Paid places only
Admission 2025

Intramural studies


5 years

Educational program specializations


  • Field of study: 40.05.03 Forensics
  • Profile (major): Engineering expert examination
  • Degree certificate: Specialist's
  • Duration of study: 5 years
  • Complexity: 300 credit units
  • Mode of study: Intramural
  • Language of study: Russian

The program’s mission is to develop students' personal qualities, as well as the formation of universal, general professional and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard in the field of study 40.05.03 Forensics considering graduate’s professional activities in the area 09 Jurisprudence.

Objectives and outcomes

Students in the major learn:

  • Graduates’ universal competencies:

  1. Systematic and critical thinking
  2. Development and implementation of projects
  3. Teamwork and leadership
  4. Communication
  5. Intercultural interaction
  6. Self-organization and self-development (including health care)
  7. Life safety
  8. Inclusive competence
  9. Economic culture, including financial literacy
  10. Civil position

  • Graduates’ general professional competencies:

  1. Be able to form stable internal motives for professional and service activities based on a civic position, patriotism, and a responsible attitude to the fulfillment of professional duty on the basis of an analysis of the main stages and patterns of historical development of the Russian state, its place and role in the context of world history
  2. Be able to analyze ideological, social and personally significant problems in order to form value and ethical foundations of professional activity
  3. Be able to operate with basic general legal concepts and categories, analyze and interpret legal norms, and give a legal assessment of facts and circumstances
  4. Be able to draft procedural and official documents
  5. Be able to apply the norms of substantive and procedural law in strict accordance with legal principles and current regulatory legal acts, taking into account the specifics of individual branches of law
  6. Be able to use technical and forensic methods and means, tactical techniques for conducting investigative actions in accordance with the methods of solving and investigating individual types and groups of crimes, performing the functions of a specialist in conducting procedural and non-procedural actions
  7. Be able to use knowledge of theoretical, methodological, procedural and organizational foundations of forensic examination, criminalistics in the production of forensic examinations and research
  8. Be able to consult law enforcement entities on the appointment and conduct of forensic examinations, as well as on the possibilities of using methods and means of forensic examinations to establish the factual circumstances of the offenses under investigation
  9. Be able to understand the principles of operation of modern information technologies and use them to solve problems of professional activity

  • Graduates’ professional competencies:

  1. Be able to apply the norms of substantive and procedural law in organizing and conducting forensic engineering and technical examinations
  2. Be able to conduct forensic engineering examinations
  3. Be able to use engineering and technical methods and means of searching, detecting, recording, seizing and preliminary examining material objects - material evidence - during inspection of a crime scene
  4. Be able to provide methodological assistance to law enforcement entities on the issues of appointing and conducting forensic engineering and technical examinations and the possibilities of using modern engineering and technical knowledge in legal proceedings
  5. Be able to identify the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of offenses in the field of engineering and technical activities in accordance with the received assignment
  6. Be able to organize activities for the technical operation of technical equipment used in the production of forensic engineering and technical examinations
  7. Be able to organize the work of a group of specialists and a commission of forensic experts in the production of engineering and technical research
  8. Be able to organize professional activities in accordance with the requirements of office work principles during engineering and technical research, and ensuring compliance with the legal regime of information confidentiality


The program includes a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in educational relations. The volume of the mandatory part, excluding the volume of the state final certification, is 65% of the total volume of the program in the field of study 40.05.03 Forensics.

The volume of the program implemented in one academic year is no more than 70 ECTS regardless of the mode of study, the educational technologies used, the implementation of the program using a network form, the implementation of the program according to an individual curriculum (with the exception of accelerated education), and in case of accelerated education - no more than 80 ECTS.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, the structure of the specialist's program in the field of study 40.05.03 Forensics includes the following blocks:

  • Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)”;
  • Block 2 “Practice”;
  • Block 3 “State final certification”.


Professional standards correlated with the federal state educational standard in the field of study 40.05.03 Forensics.

PS code PS code and name Job description
09 Jurisprudence 09 Jurisprudence Analysis of requirements for professional competencies imposed on graduates in the labor market, generalization of domestic and foreign experience, consultations with leading employers, associations of employers in the industry in which graduates are in demand

Main tasks of professional activity of graduates

Area of professional activity Types of professional tasks Professional tasks Objects of professional activity (or areas of knowledge)
09 Jurisprudence law enforcement; expert; technical and forensic; consulting; preventive; organizational and managerial Law enforcement activities. The objects of professional activity of graduates are not provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education.

Engineering expert examination

Total places


Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

Undertaking forensic examinations in criminal, civil, administrative cases and cases of administrative offenses, in the production of research on the instructions of law enforcement agencies and other law enforcement entities; skills of participation as a specialist in procedural actions, operational-search activities, in civil and arbitration proceedings and proceedings in cases of administrative offenses, identifying, based on the analysis and generalization of expert practice, the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of offenses, developing proposals aimed at eliminating them .

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Theory of forensic examination 
  • Natural science methods of forensic examination 
  • Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics 
  • Technical mechanics 
  • Materials science 
  • Engineering geodesy 
  • Fundamentals of construction production 
  • Criminal procedure 
  • Civil procedure 
  • Administrative procedure 
  • Arbitration procedure 
  • Forensic photography and video recording 
  • Participation of a specialist in procedural actions 
  • Traceology and trace examinations 
  • Forensic fire-technical examination 
  • Forensic engineering and technical examinations 
  • Forensic computer-technical examination 
  • Forensic examination of building materials 
  • Forensic examination of design and estimate documentation 
  • Forensic examination of engineering networks and equipment 
  • Forensic examination of building structures of buildings and constructions
  • Forensic examination of foundations 

Graduates of this specialization can work in:

  • public authorities
  • federal security agencies
  • law enforcement
  • forensic centers
  • crime labs
  • construction companies

Economic expert examination

Total places


Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

Undertaking forensic examinations in criminal, civil, administrative cases and cases of administrative offenses, in the production of research on the instructions of law enforcement agencies and other law enforcement entities; skills of participation as a specialist in procedural actions, operational-search activities, in civil and arbitration proceedings and proceedings in cases of administrative offenses, identifying, based on the analysis and generalization of expert practice, the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of offenses, developing proposals aimed at eliminating them.

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Theory of forensic examination 
  • Natural scientific methods of forensic research 
  • Economic theory 
  • Economics of the organization (enterprise) 
  • Accounting 
  • Finance and credit 
  • Control and audit 
  • Audit 
  • Fundamentals of budgeting 
  • Statistics 
  • Taxes and taxation 
  • Criminal procedure 
  • Civil procedure 
  • Administrative procedure 
  • Arbitration procedure 
  • Forensic photography and video recording 
  • Participation of a specialist in procedural actions 
  • Forensic examination of design and estimate documentation 
  • Forensic tax examination 
  • Forensic financial and credit examination 
  • Forensic financial and analytical examination 
  • Forensic financial and economic 
  • Forensic accounting examination 
  • Forensic commodity examination 
  • Determination of market value in the production of forensic examinations

Graduates of this specialization can work in:

  • government bodies 
  • law enforcement agencies 
  • in forensic centers


Admissions Committee

Contact for inquiries about admission to the faculty

Ivanova Elena S.
Faculty of Forensics and Law in Construction and Transport Other fields of study