
Landscape architecture

Bachelor's degree 35.03.10 / Cost per semester: ₽ 125 400

Budget places available
Admission 2025

Intramural studies


4 years

Educational program specializations


  • Field of study: 35.03.10 Landscape architecture
  • Profile (major): Landscape architecture
  • Degree certificate: Bachelor's
  • Duration of study: 4 years
  • Complexity: 240 credit units
  • Mode of study: Intramural
  • Language of study: Russian

The program’s mission is to develop students' personal qualities, as well as the formation of universal, general professional and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard in the field of study 35.03.10 Landscape architecture considering graduate’s professional activities as 10.010 Landscape architect.

Objectives and outcomes

Students in the major learn:

  • Graduates’ universal competencies:

  1. Systematic and critical thinking
  2. Development and implementation of projects
  3. Teamwork and leadership
  4. Communication
  5. Intercultural interaction
  6. Self-organization and self-development (including health care)
  7. Life safety
  8. Economic culture, including financial literacy
  9. Civil position

  • Graduates’ general professional competencies:

  1. Be able to solve typical problems of professional activity based on knowledge of the basic laws of mathematical and natural sciences using information and communication technologies
  2. Be able to use regulatory legal acts and draw up special documentation in professional activities
  3. Be able to create and maintain safe operating conditions for production processes
  4. Be able to implement modern technologies and justify their use in professional activities
  5. Be able to participate in experimental research in professional activities
  6. Be able to use basic knowledge of economics and determine economic efficiency in professional activities
  7. Be able to understand the operating principles of modern information technologies and use them to solve professional problems

  • Graduates’ professional competencies:

  1. Be able to participate in pre-design research and preparation of data for the development of sections of design documentation for landscape architecture objects
  2. Be able to participate in the development and execution of design documentation for landscape architecture objects
  3. Be able to participate in design and analytical activities for the development and approval of project documentation
  4. Be able to develop and present a socially significant project within the framework of professional activities
  5. Be able to independently and (or) in a team develop an information model of a capital construction project according to the design documentation section


The program includes a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in educational relations. The volume of the mandatory part, excluding the volume of the state final certification, is at least 50% of the total volume of the program in the field of study 35.03.10 Landscape architecture.

The volume of the program implemented in one academic year is no more than 70 ECTS regardless of the mode of study, the educational technologies used, the implementation of the program using a network form, the implementation of the program according to an individual curriculum (with the exception of accelerated education), and in case of accelerated education - no more than 80 ECTS.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, the structure of the bachelor’s program in the field of study 35.03.10 Landscape architecture includes the following blocks:

  • Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)”;
  • Block 2 “Practice”;
  • Block 3 “State final certification”.


Professional standards correlated with the federal state educational standard in the field of study 35.03.10 Landscape architecture.

PS code PS code and name Job description
10 Architecture, engineering, geodesy, topography and design 10.010 Landscape architect A/01.6 Collection, preparation, processing and documentation of input data for design

A/02.6 Preparation and implementation of certain types of work on landscape analysis of the territory

B/02.6 Ensuring the development of a conceptual design for the landscape organization of the territory

B/04.6 Ensuring the development of sections of design (and working) documentation for landscape architecture objects

B/05.6 Carrying out designer supervision activities in the section of design documentation for landscape architecture objects and measures to eliminate defects during the operation of the object

Main tasks of professional activity of graduates

Area of professional activity Types of professional tasks Professional tasks Objects of professional activity (or areas of knowledge)
01 Education and science research

Architectural and landscape objects for various purposes: winter gardens, greenhouses, interiors of residential and public buildings.
04 Culture and arts research Participation in scientific research on the study of landscape gardening objects of historical heritage, including for the purpose of restoration of such objects.

Conducting scientific research to study the nature of recreational activities in urban and suburban forests, forest parks and specially protected natural areas.

Conducting scientific research to study the impact of recreational activities on the ecosystems of natural areas to develop measures for their protection and conservation.

Participation in scientific research in the fields of landscape architecture and ecology.

Collection and synthesis of field data in order to organize monitoring of the state of urban ecosystems.

Assessment of the suitability of territories for organizing various types of recreational activities.

Planted and natural areas within the boundaries of populated sites, as well as within the boundaries of green zones of populated areas. Parks, palaces and estates complexes, as well as other green areas of high historical and cultural significance, including monuments of landscape art.
04 Culture and arts design Participation in the development of sections of project documentation for the restoration of cultural heritage sites, gardening and landscape art.

Development of planning solutions for landscape organization of the territory.

Preparation of working drawings as part of landscaping and planting projects.

Selection of small architectural forms, as well as development of general view drawings of non-standard products for the improvement of landscape gardening facilities.

Selection of an assortment of trees and shrubs for planting landscape architecture objects.

Development of floral design projects for landscape architecture objects.

Development of interior landscaping projects and installation of winter gardens.

Development and execution of project documentation for public discussion of projects, including landscaping and planting.

Participation in the development of design solutions for functional zoning, planning organization and improvement of forest parks and other natural areas intended for recreational use.

Parks, palaces and estate complexes, as well as other green areas of high historical and cultural significance, including monuments of landscape art.
10 Architecture, engineering, geodesy, topography and design research Participation in scientific research on the study of landscape gardening objects of historical heritage, including for the purpose of restoration of such objects.

Conducting scientific research to study the nature of recreational activities in urban and suburban forests, forest parks and specially protected natural areas.

Conducting scientific research to study the impact of recreational activities on the ecosystems of natural areas to develop measures for their protection and conservation.

Participation in scientific research in the fields of landscape architecture and ecology.

Collection and synthesis of field data in order to organize monitoring of the state of urban ecosystems.

Assessment of the suitability of territories for organizing various types of recreational activities.

Architectural and landscape objects for various purposes. Winter gardens, greenhouses, interiors of residential and public buildings.
10 Architecture, engineering, geodesy, topography and design design Participation in the development of sections of project documentation for the restoration of cultural heritage sites, gardening and landscape art.

Development of planning solutions for landscape organization of the territory.

Preparation of working drawings as part of landscaping and gardening projects.

Selection of small architectural forms, as well as development of general view drawings of non-standard products for the improvement of landscape gardening facilities.

Selection of an assortment of trees and shrubs for planting landscape architecture objects.

Development of floral design projects for landscape architecture objects.

Development of interior landscaping projects and installation of winter gardens.

Development and execution of project documentation for public discussion of projects, including landscaping and planting.

Participation in the development of design solutions for functional zoning, planning organization and improvement of forest parks and other natural areas intended for recreational use.

Architectural and landscape objects for various purposes. Winter gardens, greenhouses, interiors of residential and public buildings. Green and natural areas within the boundaries of populated areas, as well as within the boundaries of green zones of populated areas. Parks, palaces and estate complexes, as well as other green areas of high historical and cultural significance, including monuments of landscape art.
14 Forestry, hunting

Participation in the development of sections of project documentation for the restoration of cultural heritage sites, gardening and landscape art.

Development of planning solutions for landscape organization of the territory.

Preparation of working drawings as part of landscaping and planting projects.

Selection of small architectural forms, as well as development of general view drawings of non-standard products for the improvement of landscape gardening facilities.

Selection of an assortment of trees and shrubs for planting landscape architecture objects.

Development of floral design projects for landscape architecture objects.

Development of interior landscaping projects and installation of winter gardens.

Development and execution of project documentation for public discussion of projects, including landscaping and planting.

Participation in the development of design solutions for functional zoning, planning organization and improvement of forest parks and other natural areas intended for recreational use.

Planted and natural areas within the boundaries of populated areas, as well as within the boundaries of green zones of populated areas

Landscape architecture

Total places


Budget places


Admission score


Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:
  • architecture, design and engineering (in the areas of designing landscape architecture objects, landscaping and gardening, design of the external environment, planning organization of open spaces, landscape gardening art);
  • construction and housing and communal services (in the field of landscaping and gardening of territories, in the field of construction, maintenance, reconstruction, restoration of landscape architecture and landscape gardening art, monitoring the state of the object of landscape architecture and landscape gardening art)
  • science and education (in the fields of scientific research and professional education).
Studied profile disciplines:
  • Architectural and landscape design of landscape architecture objects: parks, gardens, miniparks, city streets, squares, embankments, open public spaces, residential courtyards
  • Ecology, botany, dendrology, decorative dendrology
  • History of art, urban planning, architecture and gardening art
  • Graphics, drawing, computer technology
Graduates of this specialization can work:
  • education and science: in educational institutions of secondary and additional professional education, specializing in the field of landscape design, in research teams;
  • architecture, engineering and design: in commercial and government organizations specializing in the design of landscape architecture objects;
  • culture and art: restoration and maintenance of cultural heritage sites of landscape gardening and landscape art;
  • construction, housing and communal services: in the field of improvement and gardening of urban areas;
  • administration and management: in state institutions of the executive authorities responsible for the urban development of cities and towns.


Admissions Committee

Contact for inquiries about admission to the faculty

Belousova Olga A.
Faculty of Architecture Other fields of study