

Master's degree 38.04.02 / Cost per semester: ₽ 98 000

Paid places only
Admission 2025

Intramural studies


2 years

Educational program specializations


  • Field of study: 38.04.02 Management
  • Profile (major): Management in construction
  • Degree certificate: Master's
  • Duration of study: 2 years
  • Complexity: 120 credit units
  • Mode of study: Intramural
  • Language of study: Russian

The program’s mission is to develop students' personal qualities, as well as the formation of universal, general professional and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard in the field of study 38.04.02 Management considering graduate’s professional activities as 08.036 Investment project specialist, 16.038 Head of a construction organization.

Objectives and outcomes

Students in the major learn:

  • Graduates’ universal competencies:

  1. Systematic and critical thinking
  2. Development and implementation of projects
  3. Teamwork and leadership
  4. Communication
  5. Intercultural interaction
  6. Self-organization and self-development (including health care)

  • Graduates’ general professional competencies:

  1. Be able to solve professional problems based on knowledge (at an advanced level) of economic, organizational and management theory, innovative approaches, generalization and critical analysis of management practices
  2. Be able to apply modern techniques and methods of data collection, advanced methods of data processing and analysis, including the use of intelligent information and analytical systems, when solving management and research problems
  3. Be able to independently make informed organizational and managerial decisions, evaluate their operational and organizational effectiveness, social significance, ensure their implementation in a complex (including cross-cultural) and dynamic environment
  4. Be able to manage project and process activities in an organization using modern management practices, leadership and communication skills, identify and evaluate new market opportunities, develop strategies for the creation and development of innovative activities and corresponding business models of organizations
  5. Be able to summarize and critically evaluate scientific research in management and related fields, carry out research projects

  • Graduates’ professional competencies:

  1. Be able to manage the activities of a construction organization
  2. Be able to organize the production activities of a construction organization
  3. Be able to manage human resources of a construction organization
  4. Be able to manage the implementation of an investment project


The program includes a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in educational relations. The volume of the mandatory part, excluding the volume of the state final certification, is 55% of the total volume of the program in the field of study 38.04.02 Management.

The volume of the program implemented in one academic year is no more than 70 ECTS regardless of the mode of study, the educational technologies used, the implementation of the program using a network form, the implementation of the program according to an individual curriculum (with the exception of accelerated education), and in case of accelerated education - no more than 80 ECTS.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, the structure of the master’s program in the field of study 38.04.02 Management includes the following blocks:

  • Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)”;
  • Block 2 “Practice”;
  • Block 3 “State final certification”.


Professional standards correlated with the federal state educational standard in the field of study 38.04.02 Management.

PS code PS code and name Job description
08 Finance and economics 08.036 Investment project specialist B/01.7 Investment project performance management

B/02.7 Investment project communications management

B/03.7 Investment project risk management

B/04.7 Time management and control over the implementation of an investment project

16 Construction and housing and communal services 16.038 Head of a construction organization A/01.7 Organization of production activities of a construction organization

A/02.7 Operational management of production activities of a construction organization

A/03.7 Organization of financial and economic activities of a construction organization

A/04.7 Operational management of financial and economic activities of a construction organization

B/01.7 Strategic management of the activities of a construction organization

B/02.7 Operational management of the activities of a construction organization

Main tasks of professional activity of graduates

Area of professional activity Types of professional tasks Professional tasks Objects of professional activity (or areas of knowledge)
08 Finance and economics In the areas of internal and external financial control and audit; risk management Evaluation and management of investment projects in a construction organization; development and implementation of strategic and tactical management decisions in a construction organization Construction organizations of any organizational and legal form; academic and industry research organizations involved in activities in the field of construction development; state and municipal government bodies.
16 Construction and housing and communal services In the areas of management of a construction organization Evaluation and management of investment projects in a construction organization; development and implementation of strategic and tactical management decisions in a construction organization Construction organizations of any organizational and legal form; academic and industry research organizations involved in activities in the field of construction development; state and municipal government bodies.

Management in construction

Total places


Budget places


Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

  • Management of organizations, divisions, groups (teams) of employees in the construction industry
  • Management of construction investment projects

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Organization and management of construction production;
  • Innovation management in construction;
  • Management of construction investment projects;
  • Human resource management of a construction organization;
  • Marketing in construction;
  • Logistics in construction;
  • Cost management and controlling in construction;
  • Reengineering of business processes of a construction organization.

Graduates of this specialization can work:

  • construction organizations of any organizational and legal form
  • academic and industry research organizations, in positions related to solving managerial problems
  • institutions of higher and special professional education
  • state and municipal government bodies
  • structures where graduates are entrepreneurs creating their own construction organization

Entrance examination program for master's degree in Management in construction

Project management in construction

Total places


Budget places


Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

  • Management of construction investment projects using modern software

Studied profile disciplines:

  • organization and management of construction production; 
  • organization and planning of a construction project; 
  • project procurement and supply management; 
  • project financial management; 
  • construction project management; 
  • construction project visualization methods; 
  • digital technologies for construction project management; 
  • real estate development; 
  • project portfolio management.

Graduates of this specialization can work:

  • construction organizations of any organizational and legal form
  • in departments related to issues of investment and construction project management;
  • institutions of higher and special professional education
  • state and municipal government bodies
  • structures where graduates are entrepreneurs creating their own construction organization


Admissions Committee

Contact for inquiries about admission to the faculty

Belova Nadezhda E.
Faculty of Economics and Management Other fields of study