
Reconstruction and restoration of architecture heritage

Master's degree 07.04.02 / Cost per semester: ₽ 198 400

Budget places available
Admission 2025

Intramural studies


2 years

Educational program specializations


  • Field of study: 07.04.02 Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage
  • Profile (major): Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage monuments
  • Degree certificate: Master's
  • Duration of study: 2 years
  • Complexity: 120 credit units
  • Mode of study: Intramural
  • Language of study: Russian

The program’s mission is to develop students' personal qualities, as well as the formation of universal, general professional and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard in the field of study 07.04.02 Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage considering graduate’s professional activities as 10.016 Restoration architect.

Objectives and outcomes

Students in the major learn:

  • Graduates’ universal competencies:

  1. Systematic and critical thinking
  2. Development and implementation of projects
  3. Teamwork and leadership
  4. Communication
  5. Intercultural interaction
  6. Self-organization and self-development (including health care)

  • Graduates’ general professional competencies:

  1. Be able to carry out an aesthetic assessment of the living environment based on the proper level of artistic culture and developed three-dimensional thinking
  2. Be able to independently present and defend design solutions in approving authorities using the latest technical means
  3. Be able to carry out all stages of complex analysis and summarize its results using scientific research methods
  4. Be able to create conceptual innovative solutions, carry out alternative search and select the optimal design solution based on scientific research
  5. Be able to organize design and scientific research processes, coordinate the actions of related structures to create a sustainable living environment
  6. Be able to apply methods for determining the technical parameters of designed objects, including using specialized application software packages

  • Graduates’ professional competencies:

  1. Be able to participate in the development of sections of scientific and design documentation for the preservation and adaptation of cultural heritage sites and historical buildings
  2. Be able to participate in the development and design of the architectural and restoration section of working documentation
  3. Be able to conduct comprehensive scientific research to develop scientific and design documentation for the preservation, restoration and adaptation of cultural heritage sites and historical buildings
  4. Be able to carry out designer supervision activities for the restoration of cultural heritage sites and drawing up a scientific restoration report on the work performed
  5. Be able to manage the development of sections of scientific and design documentation, prepare and defend scientific and design documentation for the conservation, restoration and adaptation of cultural heritage sites and historical buildings
  6. Be able to carry out research and expert activities on issues of state historical and cultural examination of cultural heritage sites
  7. Be able to manage and control the development of an information model of a capital construction project


The program includes a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in educational relations. The volume of the mandatory part, excluding the volume of the state final certification, is at least 20% of the total volume of the program in the field of study 07.04.02 Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage.

The volume of the program implemented in one academic year is no more than 70 ECTS regardless of the mode of study, the educational technologies used, the implementation of the program using a network form, the implementation of the program according to an individual curriculum (with the exception of accelerated education), and in case of accelerated education - no more than 80 ECTS.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, the structure of the master’s program in the field of study 07.04.02 Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage includes the following blocks:

  • Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)”;
  • Block 2 “Practice”;
  • Block 3 “State final certification”.


Professional standards correlated with the federal state educational standard in the field of study 07.04.02 Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage.

PS code PS code and name Job description
10 Architecture, engineering, geodesy, topography and design 10.016 Restoration architect C/01.7 Planning and monitoring compliance with the requirements of scientific and design documentation for the conservation of CHS

C/02.7 Defense, approval and amendments to scientific and design documentation for the conservation of CHS based on the results of its consideration by the CHS protection authorities, examination bodies and other authorized organizations

C/03.7 Preparation and implementation of scientific management and design supervision activities during the implementation of scientific and design documentation for the conservation of CHS, drawing up a scientific and restoration report on the work performed

C/04.7 Providing consulting services at all stages of the development and implementation of scientific and design documentation for the conservation of CHS

C/06.7 Expert activity on issues of conservation of CHS and development of the architectural and restoration profession

C/07.7 Distribution of responsibilities between subordinates and implementation of operational management of personnel of an architectural and restoration workshop or a structural unit of an organization carrying out activities to develop scientific and design documentation for the conservation of CHS

Main tasks of professional activity of graduates

Area of professional activity Types of professional tasks Professional tasks Objects of professional activity (or areas of knowledge)
10 Architecture, engineering, geodesy, topography and design creative Development of architectural and restoration and urban planning and reconstruction conceptual solutions based on scientific research historically formed environment of human activity with its components; historical ensembles and complexes of buildings and structures; buildings and constructions; interiors of buildings and structures; objects of landscape and gardening art; improvement objects of historical buildings and territories
10 Architecture, engineering, geodesy, topography and design design and technological Development and defense of architectural and restoration design (and working) documentation, design of reconstruction of the historical environment, development of conservation zoning projects. Consulting services and design work at the stages of coordination and implementation of restoration, repair and other works on cultural heritage sites, historical objects of civil, religious and industrial architecture historically formed environment of human activity with its components; historical ensembles and complexes of buildings and structures; buildings and constructions; interiors of buildings and structures; objects of landscape and gardening art; improvement objects of historical buildings and territories
10 Architecture, engineering, geodesy, topography and design research Conducting comprehensive applied and fundamental scientific research at all stages of design and work implementation (at the pre-design stage, during the implementation of design work, during operation) of cultural heritage sites and the historical environment; carrying out design and survey work and providing expert advisory services at the pre-project stage of developing projects for the conservation of cultural heritage sites and historical environment objects historically formed environment of human activity with its components; historical ensembles and complexes of buildings and structures; buildings and constructions; interiors of buildings and structures; objects of landscape and gardening art; improvement objects of historical buildings and territories
10 Architecture, engineering, geodesy, topography and design organizational and managerial Participation in the organization and general coordination of development architectural and restoration design (working) documentation of objects of repair, conservation, restoration of cultural heritage sites and reconstruction of the historical environment and conducting scientific research at all stages. Organization and general coordination of work at all stages of project development within the framework of the design activities of an architectural and restoration workshop or department. Providing expert advisory services at all stages of development of architectural and restoration projects. Employee management and operational management of the personnel of the creative team and/or the architectural and restoration department of the organization historically formed environment of human activity with its components; historical ensembles and complexes of buildings and structures; buildings and constructions; interiors of buildings and structures; objects of landscape and gardening art; improvement objects of historical buildings and territories
10 Architecture, engineering, geodesy, topography and design copyright protection and author's supervision Providing designer supervision and scientific and methodological guidance for all sections of design (working) documentation and conducting work on project implementation, as well as identifying defects during the operation of the facility. Implementation of measures to protect copyright for an architectural and restoration conceptual project and an architectural and restoration project historically formed environment of human activity with its components; historical ensembles and complexes of buildings and structures; buildings and constructions; interiors of buildings and structures; objects of landscape and gardening art; improvement objects of historical buildings and territories
10 Architecture, engineering, geodesy, topography and design expert Participation in expert activities on the problems of preserving cultural heritage sites and the development of the architectural and restoration profession. Participation in the preparation of reviews, opinions, expert opinions on assessing the results of restoration project activities and comprehensive scientific research in the field of cultural heritage conservation. Participation in activities related to the transfer of architectural experience historically formed environment of human activity with its components; historical ensembles and complexes of buildings and structures; buildings and constructions; interiors of buildings and structures; objects of landscape and gardening art; improvement objects of historical buildings and territories

Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage monuments

Total places


Budget places


Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

  • scientific research in the field of protection, restoration, reconstruction and adaptation of monuments of cultural and natural heritage, urban historical buildings, historical landscapes
  • design of reconstruction, restoration and renovation of cultural heritage sites
  • in-depth study of methods and techniques for the protection of historical and natural cultural heritage
  • in-depth study of methods of restoration and adaptation of cultural heritage monuments for modern use, development of new approaches and methods of heritage restoration
  • in-depth study of methods of reconstruction and adaptation of ordinary historical buildings, development of a methodology for the reconstruction of architectural and urban heritage

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Methodology of modern scientific research in urban planning, architecture, restoration and protection of cultural heritage
  • Archival research and architectural analysis of monuments
  • Architectural historiography and source studies
  • Modern problems and methods of restoration and reconstruction of cultural heritage
  • History of protection, restoration and reconstruction of cultural heritage monuments and ordinary historical buildings
  • Modern legislation in the field of protection, restoration and reconstruction of cultural heritage
  • Methodology of architectural and restoration education

Graduates of this specialization can work in:

  • commercial and non-profit organizations of the restoration and architectural and construction profile
  • design departments of construction organizations
  • state and regional bodies for the protection, use and restoration of historical and cultural heritage
  • professional architectural and restoration education
  • unities for studying and promoting the values of historical and cultural heritage

Entrance examination program for master's degree in 07.04.02 Reconstruction and restoration of architecture heritage


Admissions Committee

Contact for inquiries about admission to the faculty

Belousova Olga A.
Faculty of Architecture Other fields of study