
Members of the International Students Council

Ангелова Антония Асенова Chairman of the SPbGASU International Students Council

Antonia Angelova

Солехзода Сабринахон Deputy chairman of the SPbGASU International Students Council, head of the Russian language club project

Sabrinahon Solehzoda

Ораздурдыева Айгуль Рустамовна Deputy chairman of the SPbGASU International Students Council, head of the Minitour project

Aigul Orazdurdyeva

Ниёзов Муродали Мукимович Chief organizer of the SPbGASU International Students Council

Murodali Niyozov

Деваража Малавараге Навинду Сачинтха Kuppia project manager

Navindu Sachintha Devaraja

Хомидов Мирзоакбар Kuppia deputy project manager

Mirzoakbar Khomidov

Ниязова Мяхри Head of Media unit

Myakhri Niyazova

Шентюрк Сойкан Head of Public relations unit

Soykan Shenturk

Шри Анантараса Нисантан "EcoTusa" Deputy project manager

Nisanthan Sri Anantarasa