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"Architecture, construction and economics in development"

Development and architecture course from Lenstroytrest company
1 Apr

Enrollment has started for a course on development and architecture from the Lenstroytrest company: “Architecture, construction and economics in development.”

Experts from Lenstroytrest company, a developer with a 28-year history, will talk about the life cycle of the project and the construction process, the economic model of the project, the cross-disciplinary team and the intricacies of interaction with government bodies, and will also help to review and evaluate design solutions from the customer and residents.

For whom? For students of all fields of study / specialties starting from the second year of study.

When? From 1 to 29 April, each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 16:45.

Where? The premises of the former SPbGASU Architectural cafe.

Mode of classes? In person.

What awaits you? Mini-course of 12 fascinating lectures. Let's talk honestly and frankly about the development business and the quality of the product.

Who gives the lectures? Top managers of the Lenstroytrest developer, directors of key areas, professionals passionate about their work (in ordinary life it is very difficult to meet them).

What then? And then you will have the chance, under the guidance of experienced mentors, to develop a marketing and product strategy for creating a residential building project on a specific developer site.

Upon successful completion of the project, you will have the opportunity to receive a certificate from the developer, which can be counted as industrial practice.