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Competition for grants for joint Russian-Vietnamese research

Competitive selection for grants in the field of science in the form of subsidies from the federal budget to ensure that Russian scientific organizations and (or) higher education organizations conduct scientific research together with Vietnamese organizations as part of ensuring the implementation of the program of bilateral and multilateral scientific and technological cooperation

7 Feb

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation has announced a competitive selection for the provision of grants in the field of science in the form of subsidies from the federal budget to ensure that Russian scientific organizations and (or) higher education organizations conduct scientific research together with Vietnamese organizations as part of ensuring the implementation of the program of bilateral and multilateral scientific and technological cooperation.

Application deadline: 23:59 7 February 2025.

The grant amount provided to the winning organization for a maximum period of three years (2026–2028) shall not exceed 10 million rubles per year.

Joint projects with Vietnamese organizations should be aimed at conducting applied scientific research in the following areas:

  • Marine science (research on marine natural resources; research on marine biodiversity; marine cleaning, especially the treatment of microplastics in the marine environment);
  • Energy technology (advanced technologies in the use of renewable energy, clean energy (solar, wind, ocean waves, biomass, green hydrogen, ammonia); energy storage technology and equipment);
  • New materials and nanotechnology (technology for the production of smart materials and their application in high-tech industry; technology for the production of advanced functional materials on a large scale and for industrial production; nanotechnology and nanomaterials applied in industrial production);
  • High-tech agriculture, precision farming (application of new generation biotechnology/nanotechnology in high-tech agriculture aimed at improving the quality and productivity of agricultural products; application of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things technologies in precision farming to control the quality of agricultural products);
  • Automation and information technology (technology for automatic control of a group of drones; artificial intelligence technology for image and face analysis and recognition);
  • Social and human sciences (international economic relations and international integration, especially economic cooperation between Vietnam and Russia, between Vietnam, Russia and third countries; development of cooperation with the Far Eastern region of Russia).

The project must be implemented jointly with one or more Vietnamese organizations and may include the possibility of attracting co-executors from among Russian organizations.

Foreign organizations submit “mirror” applications to a foreign funding organization – the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

The project must provide for the presence of a specific consumer (or group of consumers) of the project results represented by the Industrial Partner(s).

SPbGASU participants must coordinate the competiton documentation with the Division of Scientific Work.

Details and competiton documents
