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"Science in a foreign language as a step into the future of a professional"

II National (all-Russian) round table
3 Apr

On 3 April, the SPbGASU Department of Intercultural Communication is holding the II National (All-Russian) Round Table “Science in a Foreign Language as a Step into the Future of a Professional”.

The purpose of the event is to develop professional foreign language competence, improve the language skills of participants in the field of scientific and professional communication, create a platform for the exchange of experience between researchers from different countries, facilitating cooperation in scientific research, and implement and test new approaches to the study of professional problems taking into account the needs of modern science.

Participation format:

  • presentation at a sectional meeting – 5-7 minutes;

  • participation without a presentation in a sectional discussion with the publication of an article.

Application terms: 3 till 24 March.

Publications acceptance deadline: 31 March.

Please send your applications to the following e-mail:

Round table venue: lecture hall 415-5, 5, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya str.; 

Time: 11:00 a.m.

Contact person: senior lecturer at the Department of Intercultural Communication Yulia Aleksandrovna Tsapaeva.

Tel. +7 (812) 316-56-96