VI International Scientific and Practical Conference
"From Traditions to Innovations in Teaching Foreign Languages"
10–11 November, 2022
The conference languages are: Russian and English
Target audience: linguists, teachers, methodologists, psychologists, sociologists, philosophers, researchers of the language and methods of teaching foreign languages in technical, natural science and humanitarian universities, leading scientists and young scientists studying in postgraduate programs.
Aim: improving the strategies of language training and improving the quality of teaching foreign languages under national and international educational standards and increasing the effectiveness of innovation in solving urgent problems of language education.
➠ Information notice
- Discussion of scientific and methodological issues in the field of teaching foreign languages from the point of view of linguistics, pedagogy, methodology, psychology, sociology, philosophy of language, new technologies and intercultural communications.
- Exchange of experience and best practices for integrating information, distance and digital technologies into the educational process under the introduction of new standards of general education.
- Discussion and development of principles and methods for optimizing the teaching of foreign languages in higher educational institutions.
- Generalization and popularization of the experience of the language departments of universities of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.
- Promotion of scientific knowledge and scientific research, exchange of new scientific and methodological ideas in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages between scientists from Russia and foreign countries; study and dissemination of the experience of teaching, research and innovation in teaching foreign languages.
- Development of recommendations and proposals for improving the modern approach to the preparation of the educational process, improving the quality of specialists.
1. Theory of teaching foreign languages
The topics of the section are psychological, pedagogical and philosophical aspects of innovative education, general theoretical and typological problems of linguistics, topical problems of foreign language teaching methods:
- modern concepts of teaching foreign languages;
- theory of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language;
- innovative pedagogical and digital technologies in teaching the humanities at a technical university;
- multi-level system of education and language competence of students of a technical university;
- innovative methods of intensification and optimization of teaching foreign languages;
- technologies for integrating humanitarian and professional knowledge;
- international scientific cooperation and new requirements for the language training of graduates of technical universities;
- intercultural communication and the study of foreign languages.
2. Practical issues of teaching foreign languages
The topics of the section are:
- practice of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language;
- the use of educational platforms, including the organization of independent work of students, the knowledge control system at different stages of education;
- practical issues of using digitalization in foreign language classes;
- specialty language training. Foreign language in modern media space: personality, society, communication, culture;
- topical issues of teaching the disciplines "Foreign language", "Business foreign language", "Foreign language of professional communication" in a non-philological university.
will be posted after the deadline for applications.
Participation terms
- Free of charge.
- Online format.
- Proceedings will be published in a RSCI indexed collection of works.
- No more than one article from one author is allowed for publication in the collection of abstracts, an article should have no more than three authors.
- Each author must complete and submit to the organizing committee:
- an application for participation in the conference:
Application - edited text of the article. Article formatting requirements:
- license agreement in two copies;
- act of acceptance and transfer in two copies;
- conclusion on the possibility of publishing the article in the open press in the form of organization (not required for participants from SPbGASU).
- The texts of the articles will be checked in the Anti-Plagiarism system. Requirements for the originality of the text in accordance with the Regulations for checking scientific text documents for the presence of borrowings in the corporate version of the "Antiplagiarism. Expert" at SPbGASU.
"3. Originality of the text.
3.1. SPbGASU establishes the following percentage of originality when checking in the System for scientific texts specified in clause 1.2.2:
for scientific articles - at least 60%, including the obligatory originality of the conclusions of the article; for the rest - no more than 40% (as a rule, self-quoting or your own paraphrased text is allowed) ... The text that is not defined by the system as original must represent legitimate borrowings and technical borrowings."
- 28.10.2022 – acceptance of applications for participation;
- 03.11.2022 – acceptance of texts of the articles for the collection;
- 15.11.2022 – acceptance of the required documents.
The place and time of the conference will be posted later.
Contact person – Selezneva Elena Petrovna
Phone.: +7 (812) 316-56-96; +7 (960) 276-88-96
Postal address:
4, Vtoraya Krasnoarmeiskaya st., Saint Petersburg, 190005, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Department of foreign languages.