
On October 31, 2012 Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering held the International scientific-practical conference “Theory and principles of training and education in a higher school”.

On October, 30 and 31 chair of life safety of SPSUACE held the scientific-practical conference “New requirements to provision of life safety in construction”. One of the targets of the conference was to solve problems connected with provision of life safe

On October 24, 25 and 26, 2012 professors and post-graduate students of the chair of metal constructions and testing of structures of SPSUACE consisting of professor, D.Sc. of engineering, Grigory I. Bely, PhD of engineering, associate professor Ivan V.

On October, 26 in Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering there was held 1892 alumni reunion weekend. Whole evening long the university turned into a unique kingdom of joy as if it were a meeting of members of a huge family

On October, 26 in SPSUACE there was held a meeting of the members of the Committee for work with the mass media affiliated to the Council of rectors of Saint Petersburg higher educational institutions. The meeting was dedicated to discussions of internal

On October, 23 SPSUACE with the assistance of the Committee for legitimacy, law and order and safety and the Committee for science and higher school held a information training seminar which was organized within the frame of the city programme “Complex me

On October, 21 in the Town-hall of the Muhlhausen administration (Germany) there was held a grand ceremony of opening the exhibition dedicated to 150-year anniversary of Vasily A. Kosiakov – architect, artist, engineer, scientists, teacher and the first

On October, 25 in SPSUACE gathered members of the Academic council of the University for the regular meeting where rector Evgeny I. Rybnov made a report about work schedule of the Academic council of SPSUACE for 2012/2013 academic year and about changes i

In the Rumiantsev’s palace – branch of the State Museum of history of Saint Petersburg – visitors can attend the exhibition “180 years together with the university” marking the anniversary of SPSUACE and dedicated to its alumni and their impact on the for

On September 27 Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering had a grand celebration of 180-year anniversary. In the assembly hall of SPSUACE there gathered guests, teachers, staff, students and alumni of the university….

Director of the autonomous nonprofit enterprise “Japanese centre in Saint Petersburg” Hitosi Matsubara and Chief of the “Marubeni Corporation” company mission in Saint Petersburg paid a visit to Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil

On June, 26 General Counsel of Germany in Saint Petersburg Benedict Haller paid a visit to Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

On June, 9 at the administration conference hall of SPSUACE rector of the university Evgeny I. Rybnov answered the questions of students. The questions related to various aspects of the university activity, the academic process and the life at hostel.

There were summed the results of the biggest Olympiads held annually by the Youth union of economists and financiers (MSEF, Moscow). Students of SPSUACE made successful reports at the significant scientific events winning honorary prize places.

On June 1, 2012 in Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering there was held the International scientific-practical conference “The historic experience of cooperation between Russia and Germany”.