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Postgraduate Student of the Department of Urban Planning Successfully Performed at International Scientific Readings

Text: Tatiana Petrova

Photo: Press Service of the Legislative Assembly of St Petersburg

7 Nov 2024
Anastasia Kaledina

On 1 November, the International Scientific Readings “Synergy of ideas on the Neva: new horizons of interdisciplinary research” took place in Saint Petersburg. The event was dedicated to the tercentenary of Saint Petersburg State University and the thirtieth anniversary of the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Capital.

Anastasia Kaledina, a postgraduate student at the SPbGASU Department of Urban Planning, took part in the section "Man and the city: sociocultural interaction, urban studies, and sustainable development prospects". According to the results of the competition of scientific papers, Anastasia won in her section.

"The conference was held in the Mariinsky Palace, where the Legislative Assembly of St Petersburg is located. The venue for my section was the Great Assembly Hall. It is a great honor to speak in such a place, it is significant and responsible.

The medical field is developing, its influence on urban environment is growing, therefore this topic is relevant and requires scientific analysis. The report was presented as the material of a postgraduate study, which became a continuation of a bachelor's diploma and master's dissertation, the scientific supervisor of which is Associate Professor at the Department of Urban Planning Mikhail Yuryevich Vilensky.

The topic of my presentation speech at the readings – "Medical district as an innovative territorial center" – interested the audience. I managed to exchange experiences and opinions with experts and colleagues. For winning the section, I received Letter of gratitude from the Legislative Assembly of St Petersburg and the book "St Petersburg in a necklace of bridges", so new scientific bridges are being built successfully!" – shared Anastasia Kaledina.