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Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Ekaterina Vozniak Took Part in a Film About the History of the Construction of Saint Petersburg

Text: Igor Glebov

Photo: still from the broadcast of "Saint Petersburg" TV channel

5 Jan
Ekaterina Vozniak

Dean of the SPbGASU Faculty of Architecture, Head of the Department of Architectural and Urban-Planning Heritage, DSc in Architecture Ekaterina Vozniak performed as an expert in the documentary film of the Saint Petersburg TV channel “Saint Petersburg in Section 2.0”.

The film is dedicated to the history of the construction of the city on the Neva: it talks about what natural features determined the unique appearance of the Northern Palmyra, what were the characteristic solutions of Saint Petersburg buildings over the centuries. According to the creators, their work allows "to look at the greatness of the Northern capital a little differently - with the inquisitive eye of a researcher. To examine it closely, or, as engineers say, "in section."

Ekaterina Ryurikovna spoke about the characteristic features of Saint Petersburg attics and basements, determined by the characteristics of the soil and climate, and also absorbing Russian and foreign construction experience.

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