International Students Council has elected a new chairman
At the end of March, the election of a chairman was held in the SPbGASU International Students Council. Antonia Angelova, a second-year master's student at the Faculty of Architecture, replaced her first-year master's student Navindu Devaraja, who has held this position since 2019.
Members of the International Students Council and Yulia Ivanova, Deputy Head of SPbGASU International Relations Division (fourth from the right)
Antonia Angelova and Navindu Devaraja
In 2017, Antonia was one of those who founded the International students council at our university. She is a participant in many scientific conferences, the winner of the competition project "Arch'ideas for Komarovo", a prize-winner of the All-Russian scientific competition and an honorary representative of the student council at the All-Russian competition for the best organization of student self-management activities "Student of the Year in St. Petersburg 2021".
“This is a tremulous moment for me,” says Antonia Angelova, “because I have come a long way from the creation of the council to the present day. I would like to expand and strengthen it, build a structure where every foreign student will contribute to development. Navindu Devaraja has done a lot for our community, we have always worked well together, and in the future he will continue to participate in the life of the council as the main organizer.”
Antonia added that the university is a second home for students, a place where they should feel needed, useful and understood.
Text: Aleksandra Podolnikova
Photo: courtesy of International students council and Antonia Angelova