On 18 and 19 April, the SPbGASU Faculty of Economics and Management held the II National (All-Russian) scientific and practical conference “Current issues of economics and management in construction.” Representatives of 19 universities and 1 college prepared 102 reports to participate in the conference. The main goal of the event was to develop communications and relationships in the academic environment; testing by students, young scientists and scientific and pedagogical personnel of their scientific ideas and results.
Galina Tokunova
Opening the plenary session, FEM Dean Galina Tokunova said that this year the Faculty of Economics and Management is celebrating its anniversary: it turns 25 years old. This is also an anniversary year for the Department of Construction Economics and Housing and Utility Infrastructure, which is 65 years old, and the Department of Management in Construction, which, like the faculty, is 25 years old. The scientific and pedagogical potential of the faculty is growing. There are three scientific schools that have proven their importance not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Welcoming the participants of the meeting, Vice President for Sales and Service of the RBI Group Dmitry Falkin emphasized that there were a huge demand from business to solve the problems that were raised at the conference. All of these solutions have potential for practical application.
The key topics of the plenary session were the following relevant issues for the construction industry: feasibility study of a construction project as an integral element of economic security; application of artificial intelligence; approaches to pricing; theoretical and practical aspects of logistics audit of supply processes; integral software package for the development of cost-effective construction projects.

The leading speakers were the head of the SPbGASU Department of Economic Security Anatoly Modenov, the head of the Department of Construction Economics and Housing and Utility Unfrastructure Veronika Asaul, the professor at the Department of CE&H&UI Aleksey Belous, the head of the Department of Management in Construction Natalia Pletneva, as well as the chief specialist of SeverGrad LLC Anatoly Shamardin.
Professor at the SPbGASU Department of Construction Economics and Housing and Utility Infrastructure Evgeniya Guzhva spoke about the stages of formation of economic education of a specialist in the investment and construction complex. Distinctive features of the current stage are the creation of a system for training specialists in economics in the country's universities at specialized faculties, the beginning of systematic training of candidates and doctors of economic sciences in technical universities and the work of specialized scientific councils in economic areas, involving them in teaching. New fields of study have emerged in areas adjacent to the economy. For example, in SPbGASU this is economic security.
Evgeniya Guzhva
Galina Tokunova supplemented her colleague’s speech with information about new profiles that will open at SPbGASU in the next academic year. Starting from 2024, our university will provide higher education in the directions of real estate economics, economics of innovation, economics of entrepreneurship, pricing and regulation within the “Economics” field of study. In addition, the “Management” direction opens up profiles that are in demand in the construction industry: personnel management and marketing in construction.
The conference continued in the format of four thematic sections: “Language training of the future professional”, “Economics of construction and housing and utility infrastructure: trends and prospects”, “Economic security: experience, problems, prospects” and “Current issues of management in construction”.
The conference proceedings will be published as a collection of materials.