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SPbGASU Offers Two New Specialties For Part-Time Studies

Text: Tatiana Petrova

Photo: Ekaterina Nikiforova

11 Mar

The SPbGASU Institute of Part-Time Studies provides a unique opportunity to obtain higher education without interrupting work. This year, the list of fields of study / specialties available for extra-mural mode enrollment has been expanded by two names:

  • 13.03.02 Electric power engineering and electrical engineering (profile "Electrical supply and automation of buildings");
  • 09.03.02 Information systems and technologies (profile "Information systems and technologies").

Majoring the field of study 13.03.02, students will acquire professional knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • calculation, design and operation of: electrical equipment of buildings and structures; automatic control systems for electrical equipment;
  • automatic design of electrical systems of buildings and structures (TIM technologies);
  • design of "smart home" systems;
  • electrical substations;
  • power supply systems for technical facilities and economic sectors;
  • electrical machines, transformers, electromechanical complexes and systems, including their control and regulation;
  • automatic control devices and relay protection in the electric power industry.

Majoring the field of study 09.03.02, students will receive basic knowledge in the field of mathematics and construction and advanced knowledge in the field of programming and working with software within the information modeling technology (TIM).

TIM in the construction industry is the basis of its digitalization. This is a new approach, in which the entire process of design, construction and operation of facilities is transferred to a single information space, which allows centralized management of all changes, avoiding many errors and saving resources.

Sergey Shirshikov, the director of the SPbGASU Institute of Part-Time Studies, explains what helps the Institute keep up with the times and provide its students with high-quality educational services: “The development of the curricula, according to which we teach our students, is carried out in accordance with the current federal state educational standards. By involving industry specialists in this process, we take into account the current demands of the labor market. The qualification of the teaching staff is improving every year. Two-thirds of our teachers have a PhD or DSc degree, almost 80% of them also have the academic title of Associate Professor or Professor. All this together allows us to keep the bar of the level of education at a high level.”