The career guidance meeting of representatives of the State Budgetary Institution “City Department of Real Estate Inventory and Valuation” with students of the SPbGASU Department of Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre became a kind of brief introduction to professional activities.
An employer proved by time
Deputy Director of the State Budgetary Institution "City Department of Real Estate Inventory and Valuation" Evgeniya Mikhailova emphasized the purpose of her visit - to talk about the wide range of activities, the specifics of the organization, and career opportunities. It was noted that graduates of our university successfully worked there, and the organization intends to continue employing them.
Evgeniya Mikhailova recalled that the St Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "City Administration of Real Estate Inventory and Valuation" (GUP "GUION") has been counting its modern history since 28 November, 2005, when the decree of the Government of St Petersburg "On improving the system of technical accounting and technical inventory of real estate objects in St Petersburg" was signed. But the traditions of the enterprise are much older: on 21 May, 1927, the Economic Conference of the RSFSR adopted the resolution "On approval of the Regulation on the inventory of property of local Councils". It predetermined the creation of special bureaus of technical inventory (BTI) in the system of municipal bodies of the RSFSR.
"Over the course of its long history, the company has undergone a series of transformations, successfully passed all stages of changes taking into account modern realities and today specializes in four areas, providing a range of services necessary for real estate management, legal entities and individuals, government agencies. The main areas of our activity are cadastral works and technical inventory, valuation of movable and immovable property, land management works, design, consulting. In addition, we carry out work within the framework of the "Ruble per meter" program. It was developed by the Property Relations Committee of St Petersburg jointly with the Committee for State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments and is aimed at attracting investors to restore and involve in circulation unused cultural heritage sites in an unsatisfactory condition," said Evgeniya Mikhailova.
Land management and its specifics

Yuri Nikitin, Head of the data collection and processing division of the Land Management Department - Methodology and Practical Inventory of Land Plots of the State Unitary Enterprise "GUION", spoke about the specifics of his area.
"One of the important aspects of our department's work is determining the functional characteristics of the sites: the type of economic activity, other characteristics, on the basis of which the amount of rent is determined. Our department employs surveyors and cadastral engineers. St Petersburg is the only city in our country that has its own unique structure for registering with the state cadastral register, which requires extensive preliminary work. And this imposes additional obligations on specialists, including constant monitoring of legislation, knowledge of the necessary software and the specifics of transferring big data. Among our clients are large enterprises and city facilities. Individuals who are poorly versed in changes in legislation and sometimes simply do not understand what kind of specialist they need also contact us. We have the ability to comprehensively resolve their issues," said Yuri Nikitin.
Associate Professor at the SPbGASU Department of Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre Vyacheslav Sokolov drew students' attention to the specifics of engineering cadastral works in St Petersburg.
"This specifics of the activity must be studied, especially by those who intend to work in St Petersburg. This is an important question in the profession. That is why last year the examination committee asked it to a student when defending his final qualification work," Vyacheslav Sokolov emphasized.
Bonuses for young professionals
Evgeniya Mikhailova explained in detail the internal regulations of GUION, the employee incentive system, the possibility of transferring to departments with similar profiles, the conditions for salary increases and career growth, and receiving bonuses. She emphasized the organization's interest in young specialists.
"We have developed adaptation periods for young specialists. Over a certain period of time, they are introduced to their positions by experienced employees, and the organization pays them a monthly bonus of five thousand rubles for two years. In addition, they, like all employees, receive quarterly and annual bonuses. We provide specialists with a bachelor's degree with paid study leave in the master's program and support their desire to develop professionally," noted Evgeniya Mikhailova.
Third-year student Anna Pyatova reported that as a future specialist, she was interested in hearing in detail about the different departments of the GUION.
"The organization offers interesting work in our core areas, good prospects for career growth, a solid archive of information for work. In the future, I want to clarify some details of the work and, perhaps, I will take a closer look at it as a future employer," said Anna Pyatova.