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Rostekhnadzor Representatives Told Students How To Become A State Inspector

Text: Lyubov Uglanova

Photo: Nina Antonova

18 Mar
Aleksandr Kolpakov

Representatives of the North-West Office of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor) met with students to tell them about their activities and employment opportunities for young professionals. The meeting was attended by students of energy specialties of our university from the Department of Structural Physics, Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering and from the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation.

"The demand for specialists capable of ensuring reliable, uninterrupted operation of energy facilities and safety of technological processes is growing. State inspectors who carry out control and supervisory activities play a key role in this process. Practice shows that some of those who receive higher education today will not work in their chosen specialty and in the industry as a whole. Today's meeting is educational in nature for future specialists in the energy sector who can link their professional activities with the field closest to their specialty," said Aleksandr Kolpakov, Deputy Head of the Department for State Energy Supervision of Consumer Electrical Installations of the North-West Department of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (in the sphere of state energy supervision).

He explained that the North-West Department of Rostekhnadzor carries out state control and supervision in industrial safety, safety of hydraulic structures, electric power industry, construction in St Petersburg, Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod, Pskov regions and the Republic of Karelia. In the sphere of state energy supervision, inspectors conduct examination of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for their compliance with reliability and safety requirements, regulatory legal acts within their competence. They are among the first to go to the largest and most significant facilities in order to subsequently issue a permit for the commissioning of electrical installations. Among such facilities are the most technologically advanced stadium in the country, Gazprom Arena, the new multifunctional sports complex SKA Arena, the northernmost skyscraper in the world, Lakhta Center, and the metro.

"Everything is developing rapidly today: new technologies are being introduced, modern materials are being used, unique facilities are being built, and it is very interesting to work in our field. Public service differs from civil work due to requirements and restrictions. The main requirements are: Russian citizenship, reaching the age of eighteen, and proficiency in the state language. You can become a specialist expert, senior or chief inspector, department head or deputy only if you have a higher education. Support specialists only need to have a secondary vocational education. There are no requirements for experience: inspectors can be recruited directly from their studies, and students can undergo industrial training," concluded Aleksandr Kolpakov. The conversation about work, including at large, well-known facilities, interested the students not only in terms of employment, but also in terms of organizing energy supply to them.