On 23 January, the award ceremony for the winners of the All-Russian competition of design and research works "Development of the road construction complex of Russia" took place at the main office of the State Company "Russian Highways" in Moscow. In the nomination "Bridges, tunnels and building structures" two works submitted by SPbGASU were noted.
The winner in this nomination was the research project of Nikolay Kozak, Associate Professor at the Department of Transport Systems and Road and Bridge Construction, on the topic of expanding the capabilities of systems for assessing the technical condition of bridge structures by applying statistical approaches to determining reliability indicators; the Head of the Department, Stanislav Evtyukov, was awarded for supervising this project.
The prize place in this nomination was awarded to Igor Rudakov, a fifth-year student majoring in “Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures,” for his research, “Determination and comparison of design and actual reliability indices of reinforced concrete bridges in operation, taking into account their actual load,” completed under the supervision of Nikolay Kozak.
The competition of works was organized by the State Company "Russian Highways" at the end of last year to identify and support talented students and young scientists. The co-organizers of the competition were the Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)) and the Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI) with expert support from the Siberian State Automobile and Road University (SibADI).
A total of 69 works from universities in 20 regions of Russia took part in the competition, and 15 works in seven nominations were awarded. As part of the daytime program, the laureates also visited such facilities of the state company as the central control room of the Central Ring Highway (CRHW) and the laboratories of the subsidiary company "Russian Highways-Engineering".