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SPbGASU And Kairos Engineering Signed A Cooperation Agreement

Text: Tatiana Petrova

Photo: Nina Antonova

28 June
Aleksandr Gottfried and Inna Sukhanova

The St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and the Kairos Engineering company signed a cooperation agreement on 25 June. The signing ceremony took place before the defense of joint diploma TIM projects. The document was signed by Inna Sukhanova, Head of the SPbGASU Division for Digital Competence in Construction, and Aleksandr Gottfried, Director of project production at Kairos Engineering.

Kairos Engineering creates high-tech solutions in the field of industrial design. The interaction of the parties will consist of creating school TIM classes, preparing assignments for final qualifying works, and implementing joint projects.

Aleksandr Gottfried is sure: children need to be told that engineering is an interesting and promising profession, and the sooner one starts doing this, the better.

Denis Nizhegorodtsev, Director of the LDBIM Training Center, spoke about the first official defenses of joint diploma TIM projects: “For two years we have been testing this unique format of defenses, when a group of graduates from different faculties and fields of study defend one joint project. This time, an official commission was assembled for the first time to evaluate the students' works. We are grateful to the representatives of partner companies who participated. We plan to continue to develop the format, which is in demand in the industry, and scale it to other educational organizations.”

If in the 2024/2025 academic year you want to take part in joint diploma TIM projects, you must submit an application before 17:00 28 June, 2024.