St Petersburg is hosting the 16th All-Russian Youth Educational Forum “Young Intellectuals of Russia”. Its grand opening took place on 7 February at St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

On behalf of the SPbGASU Rector Evgeny Rybnov, the head of the Division for Curriculum Development and Academic Work Anna Mikhailova wished success to the forum, and emphasized that at our university you can go through all stages of personal and professional growth, build an academic career or become a sought-after professional in the real sector of the economy. Industry partners provide diverse practical training for students and keep stable employment rates. An important part of this system are professionally oriented applicants - participants in special projects and programs, open days, scientific conferences and architecture Olympiads, which are included in the list of events of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, as well as students of specialized engineering and architectural classes in schools in St Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Director of the interregional center “St Petersburg Education” Natalya Polupanova, in her greeting, said that 142 participants from 16 educational institutions in 12 cities and eight regions of Russia arrived at the forum. This year set a record for the number of research projects: 105 works within nine sections.
The opening program included a concert prepared by the SPbGASU Student Creativity Center "Kirpich".
Roman Litvin conducting a master class on robotics
After the ceremonial part, schoolchildren from the Irkutsk, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen regions, Perm Territory, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and St Petersburg defended their projects and abstracts on the topics “The Earth is our common home”, “Tolerance through the eyes of youth”, “Modern technologies for the future of Russia”, “We are Russia's patriots”.

The guys also took part in master classes held by our university teachers. Roman Litvin, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Automobile and Road Building for Research, Associate Professor at the Department of Land Transport and Technological Machines, conducted a master class on robotics. Under the guidance of senior teacher at Department of Informatics Olga Svetlova and head of the Division for Digital Competence in Construction Inna Sukhanova, they built a model of a cottage in 40 minutes. “Digging a pit, driving the piles!” was the name of the master class given by Sergey Lanko, Associate Professor at the Department of Geotechnics. Assistant at the Department of Technosphere Safety Natalia Beschaskina introduced the use of industrial exoskeletons in construction. The head of the Department of Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre, Aleksey Volkov, spoke about modern technologies used in land management and cadastres.

As part of the dialogue platform, sixth-year student of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Aleksandra Danilova highlighted issues that are relevant for applicants - what needs to be taken into account when choosing a university and specialty, what fields of study our university offers, spoke about the conditions of study, submission of documents and entrance tests. Highly qualified teachers, good job prospects, the opportunity to receive an increased scholarship, a rich student life - all this is available at SPbGASU.
According to the schoolchildren, what they remembered most was the concert and the exciting master classes. Their attendants noted the high level of organization of the forum.
This year the forum is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 190th anniversary of the birth of D. I. Mendeleev. The organizers are the interregional multidisciplinary center "St Petersburg Education", the St Petersburg Interregional Center "Education Without Borders", higher educational institutions of the Northern capital with the support of the Academy of Military Sciences of Russia, the Maritime Council under the Government of St Petersburg and the Council of Municipal Formations of St Petersburg.
The forum is aimed at supporting talented youth, generating interest in continuing education, fostering patriotism and citizenship in the younger generation, and introducing them to the historical and cultural heritage of St Petersburg.