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SPbGASU Participated In The “My Petersburg” Exhibition

Text: Tatiana Petrova

Photo: KGA press-service

2 July 2024

From 30 May to 1 October, the historical park “Russia - My History” in the Northern capital has been hosting  a multimedia exhibition “My Petersburg”. SPbGASU took part in the exhibition on 20 June as part of a program prepared by the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture (KGA) of the Government of St Petersburg jointly with the administration of the Kalininsky district of the city.

Vyacheslav Tonkikh, Assistant at the SPbGASU Department of Architectural Design, together with colleagues from the architectural bureau “Studio 44”, St Petersburg College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St Petersburg Children’s School of Arts named after M. I. Glinka, and KGA, introduced the exhibition visitors to the profession of an architect. Vyacheslav Dmitrievich gave a lecture about famous architects of the past and present, who helped forming the unique image of the city on the Neva.

“The listeners showed keen interest in the lecture. Such events provide an opportunity not only to popularize knowledge, but also to introduce our university to St Petersburg residents and guests of the city,” said Vyacheslav Tonkikh.