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SPbGASU Has Launched The International Summer School “Arch.Summer 2024: Architecture Of Tourist Complexes”

Text: Tatiana Petrova

Photo: Nina Antonova

9 July 2024
Opening of the international summer school at SPbGASU

On 8 July, SPbGASU has launched the international summer school “Arch.Summer 2024: architecture of tourist complexes”.

30 students from the Siberian Federal University, Brest State Technical University (Republic of Belarus) and SPbGASU are participating in the summer school.

United in three international teams, students will design modern tourist facilities for Vyborg, a city with a rich history located in the Leningrad region.

The head of the International Relations Division Shuinat Akhmadulaeva wished success to the participants. She emphasized that the summer school provides an opportunity to get acquainted with SPbGASU, one of the leading universities in Russia in the field of architecture and construction, as well as gain useful experience and knowledge.

Senior lecturer at the Department of Architectural Design Daria Boytsova introduced her fellow summer school mentors.

Игорь Иванов Igor Ivanov

The summer school coordinator, Deputy dean for discipline, Associate Professor at the Department of Architectural Design Igor Ivanov spoke about what the students will deal with.

The teacher noted the great tourist and cultural potential of Vyborg, which has not yet been fully exploited. After visiting the medieval castle, some tourists leave through the Anninsky fortifications, while they could have stayed on the embankment. Now this embankment has been partially landscaped, but it lacks coherence and meaning. Summer school participants will have to create urban planning concepts for the development of the territory. Before starting design, students will conduct a pre-design analysis: study urban planning documents, learn about the presence of restrictions, evaluate the transport connectivity of the area, and visual components. Last year, SPbGASU hosted an international summer school dedicated to the development of concepts for a tourist complex in the western part of Kotlin Island. According to the teacher, there are many similarities between the two events. This summer, unique historical territories are once again in the spotlight of students.

“You won’t create a universal design. You will engage in contextual architecture, work with the environment, determine the so-called identity of the place,” said Igor Ivanov.

Участники летней школы Summer school participants

The summer school will last until 19 July. The program includes theoretical and practical parts. During the theoretical part students will visit Vyborg and get acquainted with the Central City Library - the work of the outstanding architect Alvar Aalto, the knight's castle, historical fortifications and other architectural monuments. In addition, they explore the design site. SPbGASU teachers and specialists with many years of experience will give lectures on the design of tourist facilities in a historical context and the formation of public spaces.

During the practical part of the program, students, under the guidance of teachers, will create a concept for a tourist complex - a residential module and the architectural environment around it, and then present the results of their work at a round table.

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Architecture for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor at the SPbGASU Department of Architectural Design Elena Voitsekhovskaya, Daria Boytsova and Shuainat Akhmadulaeva