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Students Of The Department Of Architectural And Urban-Planning Heritage Are Restoring Orlovsky Park In Strelna

Text: Igor Glebov

Photo: Press Service of the Petrodvorets District Administration

12 Mar
The Head of the Petrodvortsovy district Aleksandr Yakushev and the Dean of the SPbGASU Faculty of Architecture Ekaterina Vozniak sign a cooperation agreement

On 6 March, the gallery of the Lvov Palace in Strelna has opened the exhibition "Making the future together. Preserving the heritage of Strelna". The exhibition presents draft projects for the restoration and adaptation of the cultural heritage site of federal significance "A. F. Orlov's Dacha", completed by students of the SPbGASU Department of Architectural and Urban-Planning Heritage (AUPH) Ekaterina Ayderkhanova, Artem Baykov, Ksenia Bezeda, Lyubov Belogrivova, Mikhail Volkov, Ulyana Gribova, Irina Karpova, Artur Kislitsyn, Polina Leontyeva and Anastasia Telnova. Supervised by teachers of the Department Elena Baulina, Daria Bobrova, Aleksandr Gorshkov, Galina Fedotova, Evgeny Shuvaev and Natalia Yass.

The presented projects develop proposals for the restoration and reconstruction of lost buildings and landscape elements, as well as for filling the park and objects on its territory with modern functions that reflect the needs of Strelna residents.

The exhibition is being held on the initiative of the Regional Public Organization "Revival of Strelna" with the support of the Intracity Municipal Formation "Strelna Settlement", the Administration of the Petrodvortsovy District of St Petersburg and the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St Petersburg Mikhail Baryshnikov, who expressed confidence that Orlovsky Park would be returned to its historical appearance and would rightfully become the pearl of Strelna again.

In addition, at the exhibition, a cooperation agreement was signed between SPbGASU and the Administration of the Petrodvorets District.