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The University Was a Regional Platform to Host the All-Russian Economic Dictation

Text: Yury Tsvetkov

Photo: Yury Tsvetkov

16 Oct 2024

On 15 October, the eighth annual event "All-Russian Economic Dictation" took place. Its motto was "Strong Economy - Prosperous Russia!" The goal of this event is economic education and development of economic culture of citizens. Residents of Russia in all regions of the country, as well as citizens of neighboring countries, participate in writing the economic dictation. This year, 1,340 regional sites were registered for holding the event: interest in the economic dictation is growing every year.

SPbGASU annually acts as a regional platform to host the event, and students of the Faculty of Economics and Management become active participants in the event. Third- and fourth-year students managed to successfully answer questions, some of which were interdisciplinary in nature in connection with such sciences as history, social science, and jurisprudence.