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Universities discussed the situation on the labour market

18 Apr 2022

Universities discussed the situation on the labour market

Head of the Career Service for SPbGASU Students and Alumni Daria Fedorova took part in a round table for representatives of universities “Career Centers and the Employment Service. Network interaction". The issues of interaction between career (employment) centers of universities and the Employment Service of St. Petersburg were discussed.

During the round table

The key speaker of the meeting was Dmitry Cherneiko, Chairman of the St. Petersburg Committee for Labour and Employment. He spoke about the situation on the labour market related to the conditions of external sanctions pressure, and called on the meeting participants for an active discussion: “Finding a common language between the system of vocational education and the real sector of the economy is still not easy, but necessary for a successful start in the career of graduates. It is time to transform market demands into changes in educational programs, taking into account how much the labour market has changed over the past few years,” he said.

“Recently, there have been rapid changes in the field of employment: self-employment, remote work, platform employment have made much headway. In such conditions, it is necessary to form new formats of interaction in the labour market, which will be the key to a successful career start for young professionals. You should not be afraid of changes: if you organize your work correctly, it will open up new opportunities,” said Daria Fedorova in her speech.

Text: Daria Fedorova
Photo: courtesy of the event organizers