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SPbGASU Visited By A Delegation From Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology

Text: Lyubov Uglanova

Photo: Nina Antonova

20 Sep 2024
Делегация Сианьского университета архитектуры и технологий.jpgDelegation of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology (left), right – Sergey Mikhailov, Evgeny Korolev, Ekaterina Vozniak, Andrey Zazykin, Andrey Nikulin, Dmitry Ulrikh, Sergey Bezpalchuk

A delegation from the Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology of China, our university's partner in the International Alliance of Universities of Architecture and Technology of the Silk Road, paid a friendly visit to SPbGASU. Since 2022, the universities have been establishing close cooperation and are focused on further development. Thus, last year, our teachers took part in a conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the initiative to jointly build the Silk Road Economic Belt at the Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. The purpose of the current visit of its representatives was to discuss cooperation, strengthen ties and consider the experience of the Faculties of Architectural and Automobile and Road Building.

The delegation of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology included the President of the University Zhao Xiangmo, the Head of the Office of the President of the University Gao Ruilong, the Director of the Institute of Architecture Lei Zhendong, the Deputy Head of the Department of International Exchange and Cooperation Wang Chunmei, and an employee of the Department of International Exchange and Cooperation Wang Xiang. They met with the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Sergey Mikhailov, the Vice-Rector for Research Evgeny Korolev, the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Ekaterina Vozniak, the Dean of the Faculty of Automobile and Road Building Andrey Zazykin, the Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Municipal Services Dmitry Ulrikh, the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Andrey Nikulin, and the Director of the SPbGASU Center for Collective Use Sergey Bezpalchuk and Head of the International Relations Division Shuainat Akhmadulaeva.

“Russia and China are linked by a strategic partnership, in which education, science and culture occupy a special place. Our university pays great attention to the implementation of scientific and educational projects with Chinese universities. Cooperation with your university provides for a wide range of areas: joint educational programs, academic exchange of teachers and students, joint summer schools, scientific and technical developments, scientific and technical conferences, expansion of the laboratory base and publishing activities. Particular attention is paid to events within the framework of the International Alliance of Architectural and Technological Universities of the Silk Road. Currently, 57 students from China are studying at our university, including 23 PhD students. The university implements additional educational programs. The preparatory department program for studying the Russian language is in great demand. The Chinese language program has been implemented for the second year, and a Russian-Chinese conversation club is operating,” said Sergey Mikhailov.

He expressed confidence that it would be possible to outline plans for long-term mutually beneficial cooperation and strengthening of trust between universities and countries, taking into account, among other things, the experience of successful cooperation during the Soviet years.

The University President Zhao Xiangmo agreed that SPbGASU and Xi'an University have much in common: both universities began their history in the 19th century, train high-quality, in-demand personnel in the architectural and construction industry, and are recognized as some of the most authoritative universities in their countries. In addition, each remembers and values ​​the advanced experience in joint training of personnel during the Soviet period.

"In 1957, Soviet specialists worked at our university. Professor of LISI (now SPbGASU) Georgy Maksimov trained the first postgraduate students in the field of heating and ventilation, and supervised the construction of the laboratory. At present, our university confirms the high level of education and has international recognition, a number of significant awards in science and technology, and makes a significant contribution to the urban and rural development of the country. Cooperation with SPbGASU within the framework of the International Alliance of Architectural and Technological Universities of the Silk Road allows us to strengthen friendship, develop science, and jointly build a new era," Zhao Xiangmo noted.

According to him, these are personal meetings that allow most comprehensively discuss the details of cooperation, including the promotion of talent, scientific research and development.

Vice-Rector for Research Evgeny Korolev is convinced that through joint efforts it will be possible to achieve much greater results than on their own, especially since both universities have many similar research areas.

"Russia has preserved the Soviet traditions of training scientific personnel. In the field of architecture and construction, our country has 15 scientific specialties. In the postgraduate program of our university, training is conducted in 13 specialties, in the doctoral program - in 12. There are five dissertation councils, in which candidate and doctoral dissertations are defended. We will open two more. We employ specialists who are members of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, full members of the Russian Engineering Academy, which is also represented at your university, experts of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For conducting scientific research, there is an appropriate material and technical base, equipped laboratories, which we are constantly improving. New areas are opening up, including scientific ones, and I am sure that we will find common ground," emphasized Evgeny Korolev.

He also noted that the university publishes two scientific journals: one is part of the Higher Attestation Commission system, the other is part of the international Scopus database system. And they will be glad to see fellow experts from the partner university on the editorial board of these journals.

The Faculty of Architecture is already demonstrating an example of successful cooperation. Ekaterina Vozniak spoke about the active participation of students of the SPbGASU Faculty of Architecture in Russian-Chinese competitions, internships in China, about successful projects of students who came to study from China, architectural workshops and about the Faculty in general. At the same time, she emphasized that the Faculty is ready to expand cooperation.

Director of the Institute of Architecture Lei Zhendong also spoke in favor of cooperation. He introduced the history of the institute, the fields of study and emphasized that this is the only university in the Northwest of China that studies design, architecture, urban and agricultural planning, landscape design, protection of historical heritage sites, and urban design. The quality of education is confirmed by successes in various competitions: the institute is the winner of 25 international awards, and has been awarded the highest award of the country's state competition for three years in a row. The institute has a state architectural laboratory and five research centers. In the ranking of institutes in architectural areas, it has been in second and third places for many years in a row. "We are interested in cooperation and exchange of experience with SPbGASU, especially since we already have such experience. Now our main partners are in Europe and Asia. We consider the promotion of projects within the framework of the International Alliance of Architectural and Technological Universities of the Silk Road, the dual diploma programs to be a big step in development," Lei Zhendong noted.

He stressed that, while developing, it is important not to forget the traditions that make universities strong and which have become a solid foundation for quality education.

The parties agreed to jointly implement projects and programs, participate in competitions and conferences, and organize personal meetings to discuss current tasks.

The meeting continued with a tour of the laboratories of the Faculty of Automobile and Road Building, accompanied by Dean Andrey Zazykin. The university president Zhao Xiangmo has a special interest in this area – he is a professor in this field.