On 6 March, the regional round of the All-Russian student project "Your Move" was held at SPbGASU. Experts spoke in detail about the large-scale student community where you can reach your full potential and implement socially significant ideas.
Opening the meeting, the SPbGASU Vice-Rector for Youth Policy Marina Malyutina noted the large number of applications for participation in the project from students of our university. According to Marina Viktorovna, this shows that concerned talented people study at SPbGASU.

The expert Elena Kiseleva saya that "Your Move" unites more than two million students who have implemented over 50 thousand projects. Student teams operate in 75 regions, and the project ecosystem includes 575 universities. The expert introduced the students to the principles of the community, which follow from the mission of Rosmolodezh - to create an environment that will help young people find and realize their dreams and talents in our country.
The expert Anastasia Gorbacheva informed about the five competition tracks of the project: "I define" - for those who like to take surveys and influence changes in the student environment; "I do" - for those who have a student project; "I unite" - for those who are ready to assemble a team of five active participants of student organizations in the region (Russian Youth Union, All-Russian Youth Public Organization "Russian Student Teams", Student Coordination Council of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education, etc.) and complete all the competition tasks; "I inspire" - for regional teams; "I open" - for first-year students of universities and colleges who want to adapt to student life and help other students do so.
Within the competition track "I do", you need to implement your project independently or with the support of the university by 6 August. One hundred winners will receive one million rubles each. The meaning of victory is not only the prize, but also the opportunity to join the winners' club called "Voskhod", becoming an expert in the project's competition tracks, a curator and get other opportunities that you can learn about by joining the club.
Ivan Barsukov, the regional coordinator of the "Your Move" project in St Petersburg, informed about what his team was doing and announced upcoming interesting events: master classes on filling out the project passport and on public speaking. Ivan also reported that SPbGASU would create a university team called "Your Move".
Students learned that the fifth season of the project included a scholarship program for university and college class leaders. To receive the scholarship, you need to complete several competitive tasks - write an essay "What does being a class leader mean to me?", create a VKontakte post about using neural networks in education, etc.
The special project "Your Move x Debate" may be of interest to those who would like to learn how to argue their position, prove their own point of view, participate and win in discussions. The special project "Your Move x Improvisation" is addressed to those who want to try their hand at comedy shows. The educational program for leaders of student communities "Live and Create in Russia" is for those who would like to continue developing in youth policy after graduating from university. The career center was created for those students of universities and colleges for whom finding a job and building a career path are relevant. The final of the "Your Move" project will be the All-Russian Student Forum 2025. The meeting ended with a quiz with prizes. Vasilisa Zelenina, a third-year bachelor's student of the SPbGASU Faculty of Economics and Management, answered the questions best and fastest.
"I have already studied "Your Move" very well. Together with second-year students Arina Chemakina and Valeria Shevchik, I am participating in the track "I do". We are scaling up the "Open conversation" event, where speakers talk about their activities and share their experience with students. Another of our projects is the creation of short animated videos that reveal complex topics in simple language. I consider today's meeting very useful. Everyone should have attended it!" - said Vasilisa.
"The project "Your Move" gives anyone the opportunity to discover themselves from a new side. Today I will leave not only with new knowledge and motivation to do something new, but also with a charge of positive emotions!" - shared first-year bachelor's student of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Tatiana Olefirenko.
"Seeing is believing! Such meetings are interesting because of their live communication. You can feel a special atmosphere there, get more information about the project. Sometimes students think that this is not for them. Having attended this event, having communicated with the project participants, they gain self-confidence. "Your Move" pushes you to action!" - says Tatiana Meshechko, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Automobile and Road Building for Discipline, Senior Lecturer at the SPbGASU Department of Transport Maintenance.
The All-Russian student project "Your Move" is implemented with the support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The project is part of the presidential platform "Russia - the Land of Opportunities" and helps in the implementation of innovative ideas.