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SPbGASU Has Launched An Educational Project On Information Modeling Technologies For Secondary Vocational Education Students

Text: Denis Nizhegorodtsev

Photo: Nina Antonova

13 Feb

From 3 February to 4 April, the Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering is once again implementing the educational initiative "TIM-elective from SPbGASU to SVE". It is carried out jointly with the Association of SRO "OsnovaProekt" with the support of the National Association of Surveyors and Designers (NOPRIZ) and the industry Consortium of Secondary Vocational Education in Construction. TIM-elective is part of the innovative educational project of SPbGASU "Innovative methodology for forming digital professional competencies of students and specialists in the construction industry", implemented under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

The purpose of the elective is to develop design skills using information modeling technologies (TIM) among students majoring in construction.

SPbGASU teachers and invited specialists conduct classes in such profiles as architect, designer, heating and ventilation engineer, water supply and sanitation engineer, TIM coordinator, estimator. Training in each competency is implemented in the form of modular advanced training programs, which provide teachers and students learning to work in specialized domestic software products (Renga, nanoCAD, Pilot-BIM, CADLib Model and Archive, SmetaWIZARD, BIM WIZARD).

The elective course is attended by more than 750 participants (including more than 140 teachers) from 31 colleges across Russia.

The elective will result in the qualifying TIM championships of SPbGASU in the SVE League, which each participating organization will hold on its own site according to the uniform regulations of the TIM championships of SPbGASU. Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to solving a practical problem in a competitive format.

After this, all participating organizations will have the opportunity to send one team to the All-Russian TIM Championship of SPbGASU, the final of which will be held at our university in person from 22 to 25 April, 2025, as part of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Modeling in Construction and Architecture" (BIMAC 2025).