More than 500 people fr om 38 regions of Russia and abroad were gathered at the LXXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Architecture - Construction - Transport - Economics”. The event, filled with fruitful discussions and informative reports, co-organized by the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS) and the Russian Academy of Engineering, was held at SPbGASU on 22 and 23 November.
The participants focused on architecture and urban planning, restoration and preservation of architectural heritage; construction and housing and communal services; new materials, designs and additive technologies; digital transformation of construction and housing and communal services; automobile and road complex and intelligent transport systems; economic, legal and expert support for the activities of modern society in the conditions of informatization, digitalization and high-tech development.
Rashid Mangushev, professor at the SPbGASU Department of Geotechnics, spoke at the plenary session with a report “Reconstruction of the foundations of historical buildings and their adaptation to modern use.” According to the professor, existing geotechnologies make it possible to strengthen the foundations of buildings and structures - architectural monuments - without disturbing their above-ground structures. Construction and restoration work must be preceded by a calculated geotechnical justification of the project, taking into account the development of additional settlements of both the object being restored and neighboring structures. When carrying out restoration and new works on objects - architectural monuments, scientific and technical support of construction based on comprehensive monitoring must be carried out.
Section “Architecture of the North”. General Director of Mamoshin Architectural Workshop LLC Mikhail Mamoshin speaking
Mikhail Mamoshin, General Director of Mamoshin Architectural Workshop LLC, took part in the “Architecture of the North” section and spoke about the formation of forms in the architecture of the Arctic and the North using examples from the practice of his workshop. Thus, for the creation of a project for the historical, cultural and museum complex named after I. S. Shemanovsky the architect was inspired by the traditional conical-shaped dwelling - chum. While developing the pedestrian zone of the Northern Dvina embankment in Arkhangelsk, the author turned to the ship theme. This project received a silver medal from the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (2020), the Russian National Prize “Crystal Daedalus” - the Grand Prix of the “Art of Building 2018” festival and other awards.
Dmitry Baranov speaking
Dmitry Baranov, leading transport engineer at OTS Lab LLC, spoke at the section “Development of means of individual mobility” with a report “Micromobility in a progressive transport system based on the example of the architectural and urban planning concept of a new city in the Sakhalin region.” The author proposed a concept in which movement within the city occurs mainly on electric and non-motorized transport, which does not have a harmful impact on humans and the environment, is accessible to the general population and people with special needs, wears out road surfaces much less intensively, and takes up minimal space.
Active mobility means, such as cycling, has a positive impact on health and fitness, which reduces health care costs and increases productivity. Changing the structure of traffic flow in favor of “light” vehicles will reduce the volume of transport infrastructure and reduce the negative impact of transport on the environment. At the same time, there is no sharp destruction of previously formed transport stereotypes; continuity is maintained: the possibility of using familiar modes of transport, but taking into account measures to lim it and gradually reduce the popularity of full-size personal vehicles. Thus, progressive movement towards sustainable development goals is achieved.
Chairman of the Board of the North-West Association for the Development of Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure "Walk and Drive" Konstantin Mazein noted: many consider the development of personal mobility devices to be a new and little-researched area. There are many directions in which it can be developed - both in terms of infrastructure and in terms of the influence of color solutions, using different tools. The section gave a good start to interdisciplinary dialogue, which will certainly continue in the future. The association is open to cooperation with researchers from different fields studying mobility issues.
Lev Zadumkin, member of the Board of the North-Western Association for the Development of Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure “Walk and Drive", leading system administrator of the SPbGASU Division of Information Systems and Technologies, section secretary, said: “The event took place thanks to the efforts of our association, the Council of Young Scientists of the University and the SPbGASU Institute for Traffic Safety, and also, of course, thanks to the participants. At the section, in addition to traditional transport research, reports were presented in the field of political science and branding (design). Next year we plan to expand this list, including, at a minimum, ecology and economics, and hold a separate conference (with the same co-organizers).”