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The Meeting as Part of the Open University Project

Text: Lyubov Uglanova

Photo: Nina Antonova

26 Jan
Meeting with the SPbGASU Vice-Rector for Educational Activities Sergey Mikhailov

An open dialogue between Vice-Rector for Educational Activities Sergey Mikhailov and students took place at SPbGASU.

As Sergey Vladimirovich noted, such meetings are held regularly at the university, and the current one took place as part of the Open University project. It was attended by students involved in creative arts and sports, among others.

– Our university management adheres to an open policy and is always ready to listen and, if possible, support significant initiatives of the students. We operate all communication channels, including digital ones. Feedback from students helps make management decisions to improve the creation of a comfortable environment at the university and improve the quality of the educational process. Such meetings are also useful because students learn in detail about their rights, responsibilities and opportunities, and this aspect helps to achieve mutual understanding in resolving emerging issues,” explained Sergey Mikhailov.

  • A number of topics were discussed at the meeting, some of which the Vice-Rector for Educational Activities gave a comprehensive answer to, others he took control of.

2. Вопрос проректору задаёт председатель студенческого совета Леонид Николаев.jpgThe question to the vice-rector from the chairman of the Student Council Leonid Nikolaev

– The Student Council constantly interacts with vice-rectors, but it is at such events that one can ask global questions. I was primarily concerned about aspects of students managing their educational path and curriculum, and high academic workload. I also proposed options for improving the educational process in two specific situations,” said Leonid Nikolaev, chairman of the SPbGASU Student Council.