In the run-up to Day of Russian Science, we introduce you to young scientists from our university who are working on current projects, bringing their scientific ideas to life, developing the educational and scientific potential of the country.
Yury Tsvetkov, senior lecturer at the SPbGASU Department of Construction Economics and Housing and Utility Infrastructure, has been studying the development of organizational and economic mechanisms for the procurement of construction works to meet government needs for about seven years. He participated in two student grant competitions (2018, 2019) and one teacher grant competition (2023), organized at SPbGASU; became a four-time winner of grant competitions from the Government of St Petersburg (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023); in December 2023, he defended his dissertation for the degree of PhD of Economic Sciences on the topic “Development of the system of relations between participants in the state construction order”.
During the final year of the bachelor's studies, Vadim Koshcheev, deputy dean for research, professor at the Department of Construction Economics and Housing and Utility Infrastructure, scientific supervisor of Yury Tsvetkov, offered him to participate in a competition to complete diploma projects on the instructions of the Government of St Petersburg. One of the topics announced by the executive authorities of our city was related to improving the system of public procurement of construction works. Yury Tsvetkov became the author of the final qualifying work participating in this competition.
“Citizens of our country use social facilities every day - hospitals, schools, roads, etc. The efficiency of using budget funds allocated for the construction of socially significant facilities must be increased. It is required to organize the procurement process for construction works in such a way as to ensure a high level of quality, eliminate the possibility of non-fulfillment of government contracts, and minimize the likelihood of an increase in the initially stated prices for construction.
Issues of interaction between subjects of the investment and construction process, including in the public sector, have always been the focus of attention of scientists from the Department of Construction Economics and Housing and Utility Infrastructure. In many ways, the source of inspiration and the methodological basis for the research were the works of such scientists of our department as Yury Pavlovich Panibratov, Veronika Viktorovna Asaul, Valery Ivanovich Frolov, Evgeniya Grigorievna Guzhva.
At every stage of the research, Vadim Arkadyevich Koshcheev has provided active support. He has extensive research and practical experience in public procurement. In a creative environment, we always discuss certain problems raised in scientific works with the members of the department, for competent review and recommendations at any time you can contact Timur Khasanovich Ablyazov and Aleksey Osipovich Berezin, for which I am very grateful,” says Yury Tsvetkov.
During his research, the young scientist analyzed more than four thousand signed government contracts in construction and applied machine learning methods to predict the likelihood of successful completion of contracts at certain values of indicators such as the level of price reduction and the number of contractors participating in the bidding. Mathematically substantiated proposals for the development of the contract system at all its stages, namely when planning procurement, organizing tenders, monitoring, auditing and control. The results of the study once again emphasized the need to create special conditions for the procurement of construction works in the domestic contract system.
“The economic system is very dynamic and changeable; there will always be challenges associated with the peculiarities of interaction between the state and commercial organizations, especially in such a strategically important area as construction. The issues of pricing government contracts, the system of self-regulation of construction entities, etc. still remain relevant. I will try to continue to do research on my chosen topic,” the teacher shares.