Competitions and grant programs

Competition for RSF grants for the event "Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research by international research teams"

Together with the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Basic Research

Application deadline: 17:00 16 June 2023.

16 June 2023

The Russian Science Foundation announces an open public competition for grants from the Foundation in the priority area of activity "Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research by international research teams." The competition is held jointly with the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Basic Research.

Grants are allocated for the implementation of fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research in 2024–2026 by spheres of knowledge specified in the competition documentation.

Application deadline: 17:00 16 June 2023.

Grant's amount: from 3 to 6 million rubles annually.

Grants are allocated to Russian research teams for the implementation of scientific, scientific and technical programs and projects selected based on the results of a competition providing for the conduct of fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research in the following spheres of knowledge:

  • mathematics, computer science and systems sciences;
  • physics and space sciences;
  • chemistry and materials sciences;
  • biology and life sciences;
  • basic research for medicine;
  • agricultural sciences;
  • earth sciences;
  • humanities and social sciences;
  • engineering sciences.

Projects of international research teams can participate in the competition, each consisting of a foreign research team and a Russian research team led by candidates or doctors of sciences up to and including 35 years of age at the time of the application deadline.

SPbGASU participants must coordinate the competiton documentation with the Division of Scientific Work (phone +7 (812) 575-05-43, e-mail:


Competition documents