Научно-исследовательская база Institute of Forensic and Technical Investigation

Institute of Forensic and Technical Investigation

Dmitry Ivanov

Dmitry V. Ivanov

Welcome to the webpage of the Institute of Forensic and Technical Investigation

About Institute

The Institute for Forensic and Technical Investigation operates on the basis of SPbGASU Charter and under contracts with legal entities and individual clients.

The main activities of the Institute embrace detection, diagnosis, and identification of the causes, effects, and remedy of buildings and constructions defects or failures and of building-related environmental complaints or hazards using physical evidence and scientifically and mathematically sound methods, guided by a broad investigation tools. Experts’ conclusions are based on the special knowledge in the field of industrial and civil engineering.

Our experts form their opinions through a disciplined approach to building investigation which includes such professions as architecture, engineering, chemistry, professional home inspection, science and mathematics, but also the wealth of diagnostic information arising from the previous experience.Our specialists have to resolve issues in relation with the:

Our specialists have to resolve issues in relation with the:

  • Conformity of civil engineering and construction works de-facto executed at the object with the contract terms, construction contracts, and the design-budget documentation; nonconformance review and analysis

  • Conformity of civil engineering and construction works de-facto executed at the object with the acceptance certificates of the works, including that by the KS-2 form; nonconformance review and analysis

  • Conformity of the executive documentation on the object to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, specifications and technical documentation

  • Conformity of the quality of engineering and construction works executed at the object with the specifications and technical requirements, contract terms, etc.

  • Verification of cost sheets and actual costs of the executed construction works.

Our experts, SPbGASU employees, operate in accordance with their competences in non-criminal-related fields. They perform investigation of materials, products, structures or components that fail or do not operate or function as intended, causing personal injury or damage to property. This includes:

  • Construction operations

  • Technology of building materials and metrology

  • Automobile roads, bridges and tunnels

  • Business economics and innovations,

  • Municipal facilities, geodesy and management and cadastres

  • Engineering structures

The results of expert examinations executed by the Institute within the limits of construction-technical, complex construction-economic investigations are productively used both for the pre-judicial disputes and appointment of judicial expert examinations. Our specialists are highly demanded both in St. Petersburg and Northwest Russia.
