Centre for Career and Competence is a place where work finds its people!
Employment assistance
Since 2004, St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering has been providing support to students on professional navigation and assistance in finding a job. Since 2023, the Students and Alumni Employment Assistance Service (EAS) has become a Center for Career and Competence (CCC).
The main goal of the CCC is to increase the competitiveness of university graduates by means of career guidance and career support, to promote the development of students' professional competencies in consolidation with partner organizations, and to train effective behavior in the labor market.
The main goal of the CCC is to increase the competitiveness of university graduates by means of career guidance and career support, to promote the development of students' professional competencies in consolidation with partner organizations, and to train effective behavior in the labor market.
Main activities
- advising SPbGASU students and graduates on career development issues;
- cooperation with partners and employers of the university, which allows offering students up-to-date vacancies and internships;
- holding career events that give students and graduates the opportunity to know the working practice in their specialty;
- monitoring of the sectoral labor market and target indicators of employment of students and alumni.
The University's partners are the key enterprises of the leading industries: State Corporation "Rosatom", Atomproekt JSC, KNAUF GIPS LLC, LSR Group, Glavstroy-SPb LLC, Bonava St Petersburg LLC, Setl Stroy LLC, GC Etalon, State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal, State Unitary Enterprise Passazhiravtotrans, JSC NIPIGAZ, Renaissance Construction, JSC Siltumelektroprojects, etc.
Centre for Career and Competence
Office 233, 4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005
+7 (812) 400-15-56
Devyatykh Diana S.
Work time
Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 18:00
Friday 9:00 - 17:00
Lunch break 13:00 - 14:00