

Department of Information Systems and Technologies

About the department

The department employs highly qualified teachers. Among them are 2 doctors of sciences, 5 candidates of sciences, 5 lecturers have the academic title of associate professor, 1 - professor. Specialists from specialized organizations who possess the most up-to-date knowledge and technologies in the field of IT are actively involved in the educational process.

The teachers of the department pay great attention not only to current educational work with students, but also to their involvement in scientific activities - participation in research, conferences, competitions for grants. At our department there is a scientific school under the guidance of DSc in Engineering, Professor V. V. Karpov "Computer technologies for a comprehensive study of strength, stability and non-linear vibrations of building constructions and structures."

The department is the organizer of the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference “BIM Modeling in Construction and Architecture” (BIMAC).


Visiting address

Offices 202-C, 204-C, 4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Map Scheme Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Municipal Services
Olga N. Yarkova

Welcome from the acting head of the department

Dear colleagues, students and applicants! Welcome to the webpage of the Department of of Information Systems and Technologies!
The main objective of our educational department is to train students and PhD students of the university in the field of modern information systems and technologies, applied mathematics and mathematical modeling.

The department works to train graduates (bachelors and masters) in the fields of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Information Systems and Technologies, Applied Informatics and PhD holders. Students of graduate courses study modern programming languages and technologies; database management systems; tools for mathematical and computer modeling; graphic packages related to design in construction and other tools in the field of modern IT technologies and modeling.

Classes are held in modern computer classes equipped with new technology, air conditioning and multimedia systems. Training is carried out with the most current versions of licensed software. The developed training courses provide an opportunity to master modern programming languages and methods, technologies for working with virtual and augmented reality, information security, mathematical and numerical methods, and allow you to learn how to develop your own application programs for solving various problems: from construction to banking and ecology.

All graduates of the department get successfully employed, and the knowledge gained by students in the course of training is fully used in subsequent work. A wide range of organizations and fields of activity in which our graduates work is associated with the introduction of information technology in almost all processes of modern life.

One of the most important activities of the department is the introduction of information modeling technologies in the construction industry (BIM-technologies) into the educational process and scientific work. This is a new approach in which the entire process of design, construction and operation of facilities is transferred to a single information space, which allows you to centrally manage all changes, avoid many errors and save resources. Now their application has become a necessary requirement for the qualification of a graduate of the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

I wish our students success in their studies and obtaining a high-quality education provided by our university! 

Fields of study

Bachelor’s degree

01.03.02 Applied mathematics and informatics (Intramural studies)

PhD degree

1.2.2. Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes (Intramural studies)

Bachelor’s degree

09.03.02 Information systems and technologies (Intramural studies)

Master's degree

09.04.02 Information systems and technologies (Intramural studies)

Master's degree

01.04.02 Applied mathematics and computer science (Intramural studies)

Master's degree

09.04.03 Applied informatics (Intramural studies)

Bachelor’s degree

09.03.03 Applied informatics (Intramural studies)

Bachelor’s degree

09.03.02 Information systems and technologies (Extramural studies)


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