The Department in its present format was established in September 2018 by Rector's Order No. 179 dt. 26 April 2018 as a result of dividing the department of building structures and combining two sections - metal structures and structures made of wood and plastics.
Wood and metal are modern structural materials widely used in the construction of buildings and structures in the form of steel, wood and metal-wood structures.
The Department’s mission is to provide for educational process in the disciplines connected with the design, computation, survey, and testing of metal and timber constructions and holding researches based on new information technologies.

Department of Metal and Timber Constructions
About the department
Visiting address
Offices 703-C, 705-C, 4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg
Correspondence address
4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005
Dear colleagues and friends! Welcome to the webpage of the Department of Metal and Timber Constructions!
Highly competent teachers of the department share modern knowledge with students using classical and modern engineering teaching methods, including TIM technologies.
The department cooperates with leading companies of the Russian construction market. A basic department was organized on the basis of the corporation "Rus" - one of the leading enterprises in wooden construction in Eastern Europe. Here students undergo practical training and study the production of glued wooden structures, design and construction of modern buildings and structures.
Together with the Association for the Development of Steel Construction, intensive work is being carried out on methodological support, thanks to which students receive relevant competencies, which facilitates further employment.
The department regularly holds scientific conferences and seminars on current issues of scientific and technical progress, the use of modern software for designing structures with the involvement of leading Russian and foreign specialists. Scientific and educational work is carried out in the modern laboratory of mechanical testing of building structures named after Professor N. N. Aistov, founded by Professor V. V. Ewald in 1900.
Every year, relevant research is conducted on steel and wood-based structures and materials, and work is being done to improve construction standards.
Over its history, the department has trained over two thousand specialists. In addition to training Russian citizens, the department's staff has graduated dozens of certified engineers for countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
We invite interested students, postgraduates and graduate students to specialized training at our department! You will receive modern knowledge, skills and abilities to carry out real projects in construction. New opportunities for professional, career and personal growth will open up for you.
Together with the Association for the Development of Steel Construction, intensive work is being carried out on methodological support, thanks to which students receive relevant competencies, which facilitates further employment.
The department regularly holds scientific conferences and seminars on current issues of scientific and technical progress, the use of modern software for designing structures with the involvement of leading Russian and foreign specialists. Scientific and educational work is carried out in the modern laboratory of mechanical testing of building structures named after Professor N. N. Aistov, founded by Professor V. V. Ewald in 1900.
Every year, relevant research is conducted on steel and wood-based structures and materials, and work is being done to improve construction standards.
Over its history, the department has trained over two thousand specialists. In addition to training Russian citizens, the department's staff has graduated dozens of certified engineers for countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
We invite interested students, postgraduates and graduate students to specialized training at our department! You will receive modern knowledge, skills and abilities to carry out real projects in construction. New opportunities for professional, career and personal growth will open up for you.
Teaching staff

Danilov Egor V.
Head of department. Associate professor

Astakhov Ivan V.
Associate professor
Chernykh Aleksandr G.

Gordienko Valery E.

Klevan Vadim I.
Senior lecturer

Koval Pavel S.
Associate professor

Kovalevsky Anton V.
Senior lecturer

Kubasevich Anton E.
Associate professor

Kuznetsov Aleksey Yu.
Senior lecturer

Mamedov Shirali M.
Associate professor

Mironova Stefania I.
Associate professor

Mikhaskin Vladimir V.
Associate professor

Moskalev Mikhail B.
Associate professor

Nizhegorodtsev Denis V.
Director of the LDBIM Training Center. Senior lecturer

Shmidt Aleksandr B.
Associate professor

Tsyganovkin Viktor V.
Fields of study
Specialist degree
08.05.01 Construction of unique buildings and structures (Intramural studies)
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