

Faculty of Economics and Management


About the Faculty

Welcome to the webpage of the SPbGASU Faculty of Economics and Management. We are open for communication and invite you to cooperate.

FEM is one of the youngest SPbGASU faculties. Despite the relative youth (in 2019, the faculty celebrated its twentieth anniversary), the FEM has developed its scientific schools (by Prof. Yu.P. Panibratov, Prof. V.V. Asaul, Prof. A.N. Asaul, Prof. N.V. Varlamov, Prof. E. A. Vladimirsky and others), which have received universal recognition and allow the training of highly qualified specialists for the construction complex of St Petersburg, the North-West region and all of Russia.

The faculty graduates are in constant demand from construction and design organizations, the building materials industry, investment companies, banks and other commercial structures. Some of the graduates have found application of the acquired knowledge in the field of public administration, and some have achieved notable success in research work, having received the degrees of candidates and doctors of sciences.

To continue education in the leading departments, there are PhD studies (as well as doctoral studies) and a dissertation council (headed by Prof. Yu. P. Panibratov). All this is ensured not only by the high qualification of the teaching staff, modern material and technical base, the widespread use of innovations in the educational process, but also by the highest level of corporate culture of students and all employees.

Dear applicants, we will be glad to see you among the students of the faculty! And we are always open for contacts with our graduates.

Best wishes from the team of teachers and staff of the FEM!

History of the facutly


Dean's office

Offices 413-C – 415-C, 4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

You can forward a question about admission to the faculty to:

Belova Nadezhda E.

Galina F. Tokunova

Welcome from the dean of the faculty

Dear friends and colleagues!
The Faculty of Economics and Management is one of the youngest faculties in Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Though the Faculty was founded not so long ago, there have already been formed scientific schools, which are world-wide recognized and essential for training future highly-qualified specialists for the engineering complex of Saint Petersburg, North-Western region and all Russia.

To improve teachers' qualifications at the departments, the university provides PhD program for training candidates and doctors of science. At the faculty, the entire teaching staff is highly qualified, the faculty provides modern technical equipment, innovations for the educational process, the corporate culture of students and all employees.

We are looking forward to meeting new students at our faculty and are always open to communication with alumni. Best regards from the Faculty of Economics and Management.

Departments and specialties

Department of Intercultural Communication


Department of History and Philosophy


Department of Economic Security


Department of Management in Construction


Department of Construction Economics and Housing and Utility Infrastructure


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