
History of the Department of Construction Management


  • Predecessor of the present department, the Department of Organization, Planning, and Management was created in the follow up of a split of the Department of Construction Operations into two parts. The newly established department embraced all aspects of the construction process providing for the smooth and complete achievement of the goals set.
  • The main areas of teaching and guiding of the Department were construction management and management information and control systems in construction. The educational process was undergoing serious transformations, becoming more design-based. Ultimately, this theoretical approach led to formation of the construction workflow based on the detailed coordination of all jobs in time and location, method of job-ranking optimization, differentiation and integration of the construction criteria, and construction development based on contract schedules. 
  • The new approaches proved to be efficient and resourceful. The production reputation of the Department laid foundations for its close cooperation with the core construction organizations including the governmental corporation Gosstroy, the Ministry of Construction, Glavleningradstroy, and Glavzapstroy companies.


  • The Department of Organization, Planning and Management was merged with the Department of Occupational Safety into the presently existing Department of Construction Management, a part of the Institute of Economics and Management. The new department had a particularly strong division of expertise and real estate management; this stipulated the eventual separation of this division.

2005 - 2016

  • The Department of Expertise and Real Estate Management broke away from the Department of Construction Management. However, the backbone part of the latter continued its operation and lived through more transformations and merges. These transformations did not affect the educational process in the core sphere of construction management.


  • The upgraded and reinstituted Department of Construction Management continued to develop its potential, both research and teaching. The workflow dimension got a new impulse in connection with the construction boom in the country.
  • During this period, hundreds of research and methodological works were published on the basis of scientific research and close cooperation with industrial construction companies.
  • The essential area of research and study sphere of quality control system in construction based on optimization methods, design quality control, and tollgate review keeps developing at a fast pace.