
Scientific activity of the Department of Intercultural Communication

The Department of Foreign Languages is one of the core departments of the university. Throughout the long history of the department, scientific activity played an important place in the structure of the department’s operation. The diverse scientific interests of the department staff include various areas of linguistics: grammar, lexicology, history of language, lexicography, literary criticism, theory and practice of translation, and others. Along with this, serious attention is paid to the issues of teaching foreign languages with the account of the specifics of a technical university, the development of effective and innovative methods of teaching foreign languages at different levels of education (undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate studies). A special place in the scientific activity of the department is also occupied by research related to the scientific and methodological principles of creating textbooks that take into account the specifics of the professional orientation of teaching foreign languages in all areas of training at a civil engineering university.

Teachers of the department take an active part in international, national and regional scientific conferences. The department became the organizer of the annual interuniversity open scientific and practical conference "From Traditions to Innovations in Teaching Foreign Languages". The first of this series of conferences took place on April 22-23, 2016. In 2017, the conference received the status of an all-Russian, and in 2019, it became an international event.

On October 5, 2017, the first meeting of the CHIR-Environment scientific psychological and pedagogical school, founded by E.I. Chirkova, professor of the SPbGASU Department of Foreign Languages, took place; it aims at exchanging pedagogical experience, improvement of teaching skills, and helping young scientists and teachers to enhance their researches. Representatives of universities and schools of St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia take part in the meetings of the scientific school. Six issues of a collective monograph Innovative educational space: theory and practice of teaching foreign languages and Russian as a foreign language in higher education have been published.

On October 26, 2018, the Department hosted the International Scientific Roundtable “From learning the language to learning the world”, aimed at developing international cooperation in the sphere of scientific activity and the establishment of scientific contacts of SPbGASU in the field of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, philosophy of language, language-teaching methods, general philology, Russian philology, teaching Russian as a foreign language, intercultural communication with various scientific and educational organizations for the implementation of joint research and pedagogical projects.

The work of the round table was held in sections:

  • 1. The Russian language. Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language
  • 2. Foreign languages and intercultural communication
  • 3. Pedagogy in high school. Philosophy of the language

The event was attended by researchers from Finland, Azerbaijan, the United Kingdom, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Congo, the Republic of Benin, and the Algerian People’s Democratic Republic.

Based on the results of the round table, a collective monograph "From the knowledge of the language to the knowledge of the world: philosophical and psychological-pedagogical aspects of linguistics” was published.

Main publications

Articles in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission

  1. Protsuto M. V., Tsapaeva Yu. A., Chirkova E. I. Possibilities of the formation of conceptual thinking in the educational process // European Social Science Journal. - 2018. - No. 6. - pp. 255–262
  2. Nigmatulin V. A., Protsuto M. V., Chirkova E. I., Types of thinking processes and their use in the process of effective learning // Prospects of science. - 2018. - No. 5. - pp. 84–88.
  3. Kruglova V. E., Chirkova E. I., Zorina E. M. Psychological resources of a manager and ways to improve them // Global Scientific Potential. - 2018. - No. 5. - pp. 19–32.
  4. Zorina E. M., Stepichev P. A., Chirkova E. I. The art of storytelling in teaching speaking // Art and Education. - 2018. - No. 4. - S. 85–94
  5. Chirkova E. I. The use of pedagogical supports in reading for the development of algorithmic thinking // Prospects of science. - 2018. - No. 1. - pp. 65–71
  6. Chirkova E. I. The use of mixed supports in blended learning // Scientific notes of Oryol State University. - 2017. - No. 4 (77). - pp. 355-362
  7. Protsuto M. V. The role of abstracts and their English texts in modern scientific and technical periodicals / M. V. Protsuto, L. P. Markushevskaya // Global scientific potential. - 2017. - No. 11. - pp. 37–41
  8. Danilova L. R. Development of educational terminological dictionaries for students of architectural and construction specialties / L. R. Danilova, L. Ya. Lapshina // Global Scientific Potential. - 2017. - No. 2. - pp. 5-7
  9. Protsuto M.V. Image of a man in the war in the works of E. Hemingway and L. Tolstoy / M.V. Protsuto, L.P. Markushevskaya // Bulletin of Moscow State Regional University. Series: Russian Philology. - 2017. - No. 2. - pp. 97–107.
  10. Saryan M. A. Experience in integrating innovative technologies into the process of teaching a foreign language to undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students using the MOODLE platform as an example // Global Scientific Potential. - 2016. - No. 5. - pp. 15–19.
  11. Protsuto M. V. Elements of psychodrama as a means of replenishing the vocabulary of students in the learning process / M. V. Protsuto, L. P. Markushevskaya // Global Scientific Potential. - 2016. - No. 4. - pp. 23–26.
  12. Gorbarenko E. A. On the concept of “genre and stylistic identity” regarding the process of teaching to write a secondary scientific text at a non-linguistic university // Kazan Pedagogical Journal. - 2016. - No. 2. - pp. 130–134.
  13. Glebovsky A. S. Methods of creating a dictionary for teaching aids in the English language // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2015. - No. 3. - pp. 299-303.
  14. Glebovsky A. S. Dominants of the proposed methodology for teaching English // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2014. - No. 1. - pp. 176–180.
  15. Saryan M. A. Efficiency of using authentic materials in the process of teaching a foreign language in the sphere of professional communication // Prospects of science. - 2014. - No. 4. - pp. 75–78.

Other publications

  1. Zorina E.M., Chirkova E.I. Use of the tanori technique in the educational process // Materials of the 14th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental Science and Technology: Advanced Developments,” February 6-7, 2018 - North Charleston, USA: CreateSpace, 2018.- V. 2. - pp. 30–34.
  2. Alpeyeva L. S., Chirkova E. I. Adaptation and motivation for the educational activity of a foreign student at a Russian university at the preparatory course // Materials of the 14th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental Science and Technology: Advanced Developments” February 6–7 2018 - North Charleston, USA: CreateSpace, 2018 . -- V. 2. -- pp. 35–42.
  3. Yermolayeva S. A. Possibilities of using autogenic training in the learning process for memory improvement // Modern Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences. Materials of the 38th International Scientific and Practical Conference. - M.: NIIC "Institute for Strategic Studies", 2018. - pp. 106-110.
  4. Chirkova E. I. Reading texts as the process of formation of algorithmic and conceptual thinking // Problems of Modernization of Modern Higher Education: Linguistic Aspects. Linguistic and Methodological Problems and Trends in Teaching Foreign Languages in a Non-Linguistic University: proceedings of the 4th International Scientific and Methodological Conference (May 25, 2018). - Omsk: Ippolitov Publishing House, OABII, 2018. -- pp. 353–359
  5. Chirkova E. I. Subtext as the constructing factor of a literary text // Language. Culture. Education: Materials of the 3rd Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference (March 30, 2017). In 2 parts. Part 1 / Under the general editorship of L.V. Zakharova, O.S. Mikhedova. - SPb: SPbGETU "LETI" Publishing house, 2018. - pp. 24–31
  6. Yermolayeva S. A., Sakharova T. E., Pulyaevskaya M. A. Using the case study method in teaching English in the course of “Business Foreign Language” // From traditions to innovations in teaching foreign languages. Collection of scientific articles of the 3rd All-Russian scientific and practical conference. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2018. -- pp. 39–42
  7. Chirkova E. I. Formation of conceptual thinking through reading // From traditions to innovations in teaching foreign languages. Collection of scientific articles of the III All-Russian scientific-practical conference. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2018. -- pp. 65–76
  8. Markushevskaya L. P., Modenov A. K, Vlasov M. P. Innovative aspects of entrepreneurship education: preparing a new generation of entrepreneurs // Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. - USA, 2018. -- Volume 21, Special Issue 2
  9. Aladko S. A., Prmanova G. T., Shadskaya E. S. A combination of traditional and innovative techniques in teaching foreign languages in a non-linguistic university // Pedagogical Parallels. Materials of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference. October 25 - November 2, 2018. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2018. -- pp. 11-14
  10. Glebovsky A. S. Actual problems of education at the present stage // Pedagogical Parallels. Materials of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference. October 25 - November 2, 2018. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2018. -- pp. 210-214
  11. Markushevskaya L. P., Pulyaevskaya M. A. Tolerance as an integral condition for the implementation of a communicative methodology // Pedagogical Parallels. Materials of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference, October 25 - November 2, 2018. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2018. -- pp. 540-543.
  12. Chernovets E. G., Zorina E. M. Creation of safety instructions using a QR code as part of emergent training // Pedagogical Parallels. Materials of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference. October 25 - November 2, 2018. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2018. -- pp. 909–912
  13. Chirkova E. I., Malkina P. A. Use of the Internet space to increase motivation in teaching English // Pedagogical Parallels. Materials of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference. October 25 - November 2, 2018. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2018. -- pp. 917–921
  14. Chirkova E. I. The emotional component in teaching linguistic disciplines // Russian in the multi-ethnic educational space of a military university: Materials of the Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference. - SPb: YOU, 2017. -- pp. 248–257
  15. Glebovsky A. S. Professional orientation of teaching English at a technical university // Management of Learning Processes in the System of Continuing Education: proceedings of the conference. - M .: FGBOU V MSLU, 2017. -- pp. 44–45
  16. Sakharova T. E., Yermolayeva S. A. Mobile training in teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university // Psychology and Pedagogy: Methodology and Problems of Practical Application: collection of materials of the 57th International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Novosibirsk, CRNS, 2017. -- pp. 116–119
  17. Volkova S. L. Trends in the development of cognitive interest of students in teaching a foreign language at a technical university // From traditions to innovations in teaching foreign languages. Collection of scientific articles of the 2nd all-Russian scientific-practical conference. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2017. -- pp. 42–46
  18. Gorbarenko E. A. Genre-oriented approach as a determining strategy for teaching students of non-linguistic universities to write academic letters through a secondary scientific text // Professional Community of Teachers of a Foreign Language in the 21st Century. - Shadrinsk: ShSPU, 2017. -- pp. 28–31
  19. Glebovsky A. S. Anglo-Latin dictionaries of the 15th century // Architecture. Building. Transport. Materials of the 72nd scientific conference of professors, teachers, researchers, engineers and graduate students of the university. Part 3. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2016. - pp. 5–11
  20. Dubovskaya N. Ye., Lapshina L. Ya. Creative application of the competency-based approach, interdisciplinary communications and computer technology in teaching a foreign language at a technical university // Architecture. Building. Transport. Materials of the 72nd scientific conference of professors, teachers, researchers, engineers and graduate students of the university. Part 3. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2016. - pp. 11-16
  21. Antonenko N. V. The problem of poly- and monosemantism of word-formation formants // From Traditions to Innovations. Collection of scientific articles of the I Interuniversity open scientific and practical conference. - SPb .: SPbGASU, 2016. - pp. 9-12
  22. Markushevskaya L. P. Political correctness in oral communication and business correspondence // From Traditions to Innovations. Collection of scientific articles of the 1st Interuniversity Open Scientific and Practical Conference. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2016. - pp. 44–48
  23. Pulyaevskaya M. A. The principle of individualization in the communicative method of teaching English // From Traditions to Innovations. Collection of scientific articles of the 1st Interuniversity Open Scientific and Practical Conference. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2016. - pp. 59–63
  24. Volkova S. L. Features of teaching a foreign language in higher education at the present stage // Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe. - 2016. - No. 14. - pp. 11-14
  25. Antonenko N. V. Some features of the terminological system of architectural vocabulary // Notes of the scientist. - 2016. - No. 3. - pp. 12-15
  26. Prmanova G. T. Some difficulties in translating English texts for students of construction specialties // Actual Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences. - 2016. - No. 2–4. - pp. 83–89
  27. Sakharova T. E. The use of visualization in teaching foreign languages // Problems and prospects for the development of education in Russia. - 2016. - No. 39. - pp. 84–87.
  28. Saryan M. A. Innovations in teaching technologies and their application as a prerequisite in the process of teaching foreign languages in the 21st century // Actual Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences. - 2016. - No. 2–1. - pp. 142-145
  29. Prmanova G. T. Formation of information and communicative competences on the example of working with text in a foreign language // Actual Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences. - 2016. - No. 10–3. - pp. 72–75.
  30. Yermolayeva S. A., Tsapayeva Yu. A. Teaching professional vocabulary for students of non-linguistic universities // Actual Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences. - 2016. - No. 3-5. - pp. 79–82
  31. Danilova L. R. Development of teaching materials on a foreign language at a technical university // Actual Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences. - 2014. - No. 4–2. - pp. 111–113
  32. Saryan M. A. Foreign language as a means of professional competence of students // Actual Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences. - 2014. - No. 11. - pp. 215–218

Scientific results

  • The methodology for integrating innovative technology into the process of teaching foreign languages
  • The methodology for the formation of algorithmic and conceptual thinking in reading texts
  • Drafts of terminological dictionaries for students of architectural and construction specialities composed with the account of the peculiarities of the sublanguage of these specialties
  • Grammatical and phonetic characteristics of vocabulary, which are part of terminological dictionaries
  • The methodology of teaching a foreign language in a technical university; the methodology of teaching the grammatical difficulties of technical translation.

The research work

  1. The use of Internet space in the process of teaching a foreign language. (2017–2018; M. A. Saryan, E. I. Chirkova, P. A. Malkin.)
  2. Innovative aspects in teaching foreign languages. (2017–2018; L.P. Markushevskaya, S.A. Aladko, G.T. Prmanova, E.S. Shadskaya.)
  3. The formation of algorithmic and conceptual thinking and their use in the learning process. (2017–2018; M.V. Protsuto, E.I. Chirkova, Yu.A. Tsapayeva.)
  4. Development of terminological dictionaries for students of architectural and construction specialties: Part 2. (2015–2016; Supervisor: M.V. Protsuto.)
  5. Development of terminological dictionaries for students of architectural and construction specialties: Part 1. (2014–2015; Supervisor: T. B. Voyevodskaya.)
  6. Research and development of foreign language teaching methods in the field of professional and business communication: Bachelor’s degree programs. (2014, Supervisor: T. B. Voyevodskaya.)