Scientific activity of the Department of Mathematics
A significant contribution to the development of the main scientific areas made the scientists who headed the department in different periods of time: A. Ya. Bilibin (1920–1935), B. M. Koyalovich (1935–1940), V. V. Serafimov (1940–1941), S E. Lyapin (1942–1943), I.P. Natanson (1943–1957), S.N. Numerov (1958–1986), B. G. Wager (1986–1987), N. M. Ivochkina (1987 2012).
B. M. Koyalovich worked in the sphere of the theory of partial differential equations and theory of elasticity. I.P. Natanson was a major specialist in the field of the theory of functions of a real variable and the constructive theory of functions. The current St. Petersburg school of constructive theory of functions is largely composed of his students. S. N. Numerov conducted research in the theory of functions of a complex variable, the theory of filtration, gas dynamics, published three monographs translated into foreign languages.
N. M. Ivochkina, recipient of the S.V. Kovalevskaya prize (1997), Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation (2001), member of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the American Mathematical Society, a specialist in the field of nonlinear partial differential equations, continued the tradition of the St. Petersburg mathematical school of studying differential equations founded by V. I. Smirnov and O. A. Ladyzhenskaya. The subject of her research is completely nonlinear second-order partial differential equations related to the Monge – Ampère equation: m-Hessian equations (stationary and evolutionary), curvature equations.
The Department of Mathematics continues the best traditions of scholars and teachers who laid foundations for profound theoretical research and academic traditions at the Department. At present, the Department’s staff works in four major research areas:
• Completely non-linear partial differential equations
• Probabilistic approaches in solving boundary value problems for non-linear parabolic equations and systems
• Stability and vibrations in non-linear control systems
• History of mathematics.
Areas of scientific research
Completely nonlinear partial differential equations
Scientific adviser of the field: Professor N. M. Ivochkina, Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics Participants: G.V. Yakunin, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics and S.I. Prokofiev, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics.
The main features of the area are the revision of the algebraic-geometric foundations of the nonlinear theory and the allocation in it of essential organic structures that distinguish it from the theory of linear equations. World-class results have been obtained in this sphere; they are aligned with the achievements of such Russian and foreign scientists as N.V. Krylov, M.V. Safonov, LC Evans, L. Caffarelli, L. Nirenberg, JY Spruck, J. Urbas, M. Lin, K.-S. Chou, N. S. Trudinger, Xu-Jia Wang.
Probabilistic approaches to solving spectral and boundary value problems for linear and nonlinear parabolic equations and systems
Scientific adviser: Professor. Y. I. Belopolskaya, Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics
Participants: A.E. Mikhailov, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics and V. Yu. Vasilchuk, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics
Studies in this area are related to probabilistic approaches to solving boundary value problems for nonlinear parabolic equations and systems; the theory of stochastic differential equations related to nonlinear parabolic equations and systems and its applications; spectral theory of random matrices. Also, the problems associated with stable distributions on the field of p-adic numbers and algebraic extensions of the field of p-adic numbers are in the focus of studies.
Stability and oscillations of nonlinear control systems
Scientific adviser: professor V. B. Smirnova, Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics
Participants: N.V. Utina, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, E.E. Pak, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, and L.E. Morozova, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics.
Since 1976, the Department has been working on the study of the asymptotic behavior of various classes of control systems with a non-unique state of equilibrium. In the framework of this area, study of the asymptotic behavior and transients of various classes of control systems with a non-unique equilibrium state, including systems with discontinuous nonlinearities and systems with periodic nonlinearities is carried out. The research results are intended for use in the design and analysis of the functioning of a wide class of systems: vibration machines, mechanical systems, electronic systems, long-distance communication systems, information transfer systems, automatic control systems with distributed links and sectoral non-linearity.
History of mathematics
Scientific adviser: G.I.Sinkevich, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics
Participants: N. S. Ermolayeva, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics and L.V. Konovalova, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics.
Studies in this area are devoted to the history of mathematical analysis of the 19th – 20th centuries and theories of ordinary differential equations of the 18th – 19th centuries.
Dissertation defense
Teachers of the department entitled to the scientific supervision of postgraduate students:
Professor Y. I. Belopolskaya, Dr. Sci. of Physics and Mathematics
Professor V. B. Smirnova, Dr. Sci. of Physics and Mathematics
Research work performed
Probabilistic approaches to the construction of solutions of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations. Grant of the Russian Science Foundation 17-11-01136. (Study Director: Prof. Ya. I. Belopolskaya, Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics)
The construction and study of stochastic equations for probabilistic models of physical, chemical and biological processes described by nonlinear partial differential equations. Grant RFBR 15-01-01453 – a. (Study Director: Prof. Ya. I. Belopolskaya, Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics)
The processes of transfer and dissipation in living and nonliving systems. Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science R&D: 2074. (Study Director: Prof. Ya. I. Belopolskaya, Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics)
Development of modern methods for the study of evolutionary problems (linear and nonlinear). RFBR grant, project 15-31-20600. (Study Director: N.V. Filimonenkova, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics)
Scientific results
A qualitative theory of the solvability of stationary and evolutionary m-Hessian equations in the cones of m-admissible functions has been developed.
The relations between nonlinear parabolic equations and second-order systems and the theory of stochastic equations were investigated. Probabilistic representations were constructed for various classes of solutions to the Cauchy problem for such equations and systems. The properties of random processes associated with classical generalized and viscous solutions of nonlinear systems of parabolic equations were investigated. The obtained representations were used to construct effective numerical methods for solving applied problems arising in various fields, such as physics, chemistry, biology, and financial mathematics.
The central limit theorem for linear statistics of eigenvalues of multiplicative deformed unitarily invariant ensembles of random matrices has been proved. The leading term of the asymptotic expansion in the inverse powers of the dimension of the correlation matrices of the trace of the resolvent operator of these ensembles has been explicitly obtained.
Within the framework of the “Stability and Oscillations of Nonlinear Control Systems” area of studies, the Lyapunov and Popov methods, classical for the theory of stability, have been developed due to the development of new classes of Lyapunov functions and Popov functionals. For concentrated and distributed systems with periodic nonlinearities, new multi-parameter frequency-algebraic conditions for global asymptotic stability were obtained and the rationale for expanding the set of variable parameters is made. It has been shown that new criteria can also serve to evaluate the frequencies of periodic modes and to evaluate the parameters of transients of phase synchronization systems. The obtained multi-parameter criteria were extended to singularly perturbed systems. The robustness of synchronization systems with respect to indefinite non-periodic external influences is under study.
The formation of the basic concepts of analysis since the 16th century has been studied; the basic concepts of the analysis of the 19th century were analyzed; the history of the formation of these concepts has been developed. The initial allocation of copyrights on the basic theorems of the general theory of linear differential equations has been established. A holistic picture of the history of mathematics in St. Petersburg has expert examination created.
Belopolskaya Ya. I. Stochastic differential equations. Applications to the problems of mathematical physics and financial mathematics: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: Lan’ - 2019 .-- 308 p.
Sinkevich G.I. History of the concept of number and continuity in mathematical analysis of the 17th – 19th centuries - SPb: SPbGASU. - 2016 .-- 312 p. - ISBN 978-5-9227-0648-3
Belopolskaya Ya. I., Dalecky Yu. L. Stochastic equations and differential geometry. – Heidelberg: Springer Book Archives, 2014. – 260 p. – ISBN 978-94-009-2215-0
Articles in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission
Smirnova V. B. Conditions for the absence of cycles of the second kind for continuous and discrete systems with a cylindrical phase space / V. B. Smirnova, A. I. Shepelyavy, A. A. Perkin, N. V. Utina // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University . Series 1: Mathematics, Mechanics, Astronomy. - 2014. - Issue. 3. - pp. 380-390.
Ivochkina N. M. Viscous sub-solutions in the theory of m-Hessian equations / N. M. Ivochkina, S. I. Prokofiev, G. V. Yakunina // Differential equations and Control Processes. - 2017. - No. 1. - pp. 94-105.
Sinkevich G.I. History of geometric representations of complex numbers // History of Science and Technology. - 2017. - No. 4. - pp. 15-30.
Sinkevich G. I. On the history of nested intervals: from Archimedes to Cantor // GanitaBharati. - 2017. - No. 39. - pp. 23–45.
Sinkevich G.I. History of methods of convergent sequences and nested segments // History of Science and Technology. - 2016. - No. 3. - pp. 3-14.
Sinkevich G.I. History of the concept of uniform continuity and the idea of covering a segment // History of Science and Technology. - 2016 - No. 4. - pp. 3-17.
Sinkevich G. I. Rolle’s Theorem and Bolzano-Cauchy Theorem: a view from the end of the 17th century up until K. Weierstrass’ epoch// GanitaBharati. – 2016. – Vol. 38. – No. 1. – pp. 31–53.
Sinkievich G. I. On the History of Epsilontics// Antiquitates Mathematicae. – 2016. – Vol. 10. – pp. 183–204.
Sinkevich G. I. A review of the book Friedmann, A. Die Welt als Raum und Zeit / Übersetzung aus dem Russischen, Einführung und Anmerkungen von Georg Singer // Issues in the History of Natural Science and Technology. - 2015. - No. 1. - pp. 150-153.
Sinkevich G.I. 14th century and ideas about the continuum // History and pedagogy of Natural Sciences. - M., 2015 .-- V. I. - pp. 7-12.
Sinkevich G.I. From the cascade method to the study of the properties of continuous functions: a historical chronicle // Problems of the History of Natural Science and Technology. - 2015. - V. 36. - No. 4. - pp. 642-664.
Sinkevich G. I. Theory of sets: paths to Russia // History of Science and Technology. - 2015. - No. 12. - pp. 22–33.
Sinkevich G. I. On the history of number line// Antiquitates Mathematicae. – 2015. – Vol. 9 (1). – pp. 83–92. DOI: 10.14708/am.v9i0.832
Sinkevich G. The Fate of Russian Translations of Cantor// Proceedings of the International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians. International Press of Boston. – 2015. – Vol. 3. – No. 2. – pp. 74–83.
Perkin A. Upper bounds for frequency of periodic regimes in many-dimensional and infinite dimensional phase synchronization systems/ A. Perkin, V. Smirnova, A. Shepeljavy, N. Utina // Cybernetics and Physics. – 2015. – Vol. 4. – No. 2. – pp. 41–48.
Sinkevich G. Georg Cantor – Kindheit und Familiengeschichte// Mitteilungen der DMV. – 2014 – Vol. 4. – Issue 2 (June 2014). – pp. 104–110.
Articles in editions indexed by Web of Science and Scopus
Blagouchine Ia. V. Three notes on Ser's and Hasse's representations forthe zeta-functions. // INTEGERS, Electronic Journal of Combinatorial NumberTheory. – 2018. – Vol. 18A. – pp. 1–45.
Blagouchine Ia. V. A note on some constants related tothe zeta-function and their relationship with the Gregory coefficients. / Ia. V. Blagouchine and M.-A Coppo// The Ramanujan Journal (Springer). – 2018 – DOI: 10.1007/s11139-018-9991-0
Urazaeva L. Effective solutions to improving mathematics and science education. // INTED2018 Proceedings. – 2018. – pp. 2868–2873.
Urazaeva L. The use of a game-based learning platform to teach mathematical statistics. // INTED2018 Proceedings. – 2018. – pp. 673–678.
Vasilchuk V. Asymptotic distribution of the spectrum of symmetrically deformed unitary invariant random matrix ensemble. // 2018 Days on Diffraction (DD), St. Petersburg, Russia. – 2018. – pp. 288–293.
Belopolskaya Ya. Probabilistic models of the conservation and balance laws in switching regimes. // Journal of Mathematical Sciences. – 2018. – Vol. 229. – № 6. – pp. 601–625.
Belopolskaya Ya. Probabilistic representations and numerical algorithms for classical and viscosity solutions of the cauchy problem for quasilinear parabolic systems. / Ya. Belopolskaya, E. Nemchenko// Journal of Mathematical Sciences. – 2017. – Vol. 225. – № 5. – pp. 733–750.
Belopolskaya Ya. Probabilistic models of the dynamics of the growth of cells under contact inhibition. // Mathematical Notes. – 2017. – Vol. 101. – № 3–4. – pp. 406–416.
Belopolskaya Ya. Stochastic interpretation of quasilinear parabolic systems with cross diffusion. // Theory of Probability and its Applications. – 2017. – Vol. 61. – № 2. – pp. 208–234.
Belopolskaya Ya. Probabilistic algorithms for numerical construction of classical solutions to the cauchy problem for nonlinear parabolic systems. / Belopolskaya Ya., Stepanova A.// Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). – 2017. – 10684 LNCS. – pp. 421–434.
Belopolskaya Ya. Probabilistic representation of the Cauchy problem solutions for systems of nonlinear parabolic equations// Global and Stochastic Analysis. – 2016. – V. 3. – No. 1. – pp. 25–32.
Belopolskaya Ya. Probabilistic Model for the Lotka-Volterra System with Cross-Diffusion// Journal of Mathematical Sciences. – 2016. – V. 214. – No. 4. – pp. 425–442.
Smirnova V. Singular Perturbations of Volterra Equations with Periodic Nonlinearities Stability and Oscillatory Properties. / V. Smirnova, А. Proskurnikov// IFAC-Papers Online. – 2017. – Vol. 50. – Issue 1. – pp. 8454–8459.
Smirnova V. Stability of pendulum-like systems with external disturbances. / V. Smirnova, А. Proskurnikov, N. Utina// Cybernetics and Physics. – 2017. – Vol. 6. – No. 4. – pp. 245–256.
Vasilchuk V. Asymptotic distribution of the spectrum of some symmetric polynomials of unitary invariant random matrix ensembles. // 2016 Days on Diffraction (DD), St. Petersburg, Russia. – 2016. – pp. 435–439. DOI: 10.1109/DD.2016.7756889.
Smirnova V. On periodic solutions of singularly perturbed integro-differential Volterra equations with periodic nonlinearities. / V. Smirnova, N. Utina, A. Proskurnikov// IFAC-Papers Online. – 2016. – Vol. 49. – No. 14. – pp. 160–165.
Smirnova V. Phase locking, oscillations and cycle slipping in synchronization systems. / V. Smirnova, A. Proskurnikov// Proceedings of European Control Conference (ECC), Aalborg, Denmark. – 2016. – pp. 873–878.
Smirnova V. B. Stability and oscillations of singularly perturbed phase synchronization systems with distributed parameters. / V. B. Smirnova, A. V. Proskurnikov, N. V. Utina, E. E. Pak// Proceedings of 2016 International Conference “Stability and Oscillations of Nonlinear Control Systems” (Pyatnitskiy's Conference 2016). – 2016. – No. 7541225.
Sinkievich G. I. Karl Weierstrass’ Bicentenary. // Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki. – Warsaw. – 2016. – № 3. – Р. 81–109.
Smirnova V. Asymptotic properties of nonlinear singularly perturbed Volterra equations. / V. Smirnova, E. Pak, A. Proskurnikov, N. Utina.// IFAC-Papers Online. – 2015. – Vol. 48. – No. 11. – pp. 604–609.
Smirnova V. B. Transient processes in synchronization systems governed by singularly perturbed Volterra equations. / V. B. Smirnova, A. V. Proskurnikov, N. V. Utina// Proceedings of 14th annual European Control Conference (ECC-2015), Austria, July 15–17. – 2015. – pp. 509–514.
Smirnova V.B. Cycle slipping in nonlinear circuits under periodic nonlinearities and time delays. / V. B. Smirnova, A. V. Proskurnikov, N. V. Utina// Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS-2015), Lisbon, Portugal, May 24 - 27, 2015. – 2015. – pp. 3084–3087.
Belopolskaya Ya. Probabilistic representation of a generalized solution to the Cauchy problem for a PDE system with cross-diffusion// Doklady Mathematics. – 2015. – Vol. 91. – Iss. 2. – pp. 134–137.
Mikhailov A. E. Estimates of convergence rates to stable distributions //Journal of mathematical sciences. – 2015. – Vol. 206. – No. 2. – pp. 207–211.
Ivochkina N. M., Filimonenkova N. V. Attractors of m-Hessian evolutions// Journal of Mathematical Sciences. – 2015. – Vol. 207. – Iss. 2. – pp. 226–235.
Belopolskaya Y. A. Forward-Backward Stochastic Equations Associatid with Systems of Quasilinear Parabolic Equations and Comparison Theorems// Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States). – 2014. – Vol. 204. – Iss. 1. – pp. 7–27.
Belopolskaya Y. A. Markov Processes Associated With Fully Nondiagonal Systems of Parabolic Equations// Markov processes and Related Fields. – 2014. – V. 20. –№ 3. – pp. 451–478.
Belopolskaya Y. A. Probabilistic counterparts for strongly coupled parabolic systems// Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. – 2014. – Vol. 114. – pp. 33–42.
Kozyrev S. V., Khrennikov A. Y., Shelkovich V. M. p-Adic wavelets and their applications// Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics. – 2014. – Vol. 285. – Iss. 1. – pp. 157–196.
Smirnova V. B. Conditions for the absence of cycles of the second kind in continuous and discrete systems with cylindrical phase space/ V. B. Smirnova, A. A. Perkin, N. V. Utina, A. I. Shepeljavyi// Vestnik of St. Petersburg University: Mathematics. – 2014. – Vol. 47. – Iss. 3. – pp. 105–114.
Smirnova V. B., Proskurnikov A. V., Perkin A. A. Asymptotic Estimates for Gradient Like Distributed Parameter Systems with Periodic Nonlinearities// Proceeding of International Symposium of Intellectual Control (ISIC), Part of 2014 IEEE Multy-Conference on Systems and Control. October 8–10, 2014. – Antibes, 2014. – pp. 1638-1643. (Date of access: 08.11.2015.)
Filimonenkova N. V., Ivochkina N. M. On algebraic and geometric conditions in the theory of Hessian equations// Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications. – 2014. – Vol. 16. – Iss. 1–2. – pp. 11–25.
Ivochkina N. M. On some properties of the positive m-Hessian operators in C^2(Omega)// Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications. – 2014. – Vol. 14. – No. 1. – pp. 79–90.
Ivochkina N. M. From Gårding’s Cones to p-Convex Hypersurfaces// Journal of Mathematical Sciences. – 2014. – Vol. 201. – No. 5. – pp. 634–644.
Other publications
Manyukova N.V. Design of decision-making systems for forecasting scenarios of migration processes / N.V. Manyukova, L. Yu. Urazaeva // Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM'2018) May 23–25, 2018 , St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI". - 2018 .-- pp. 436–439.
Urazaeva L. Yu. Construction of decision-making scenarios based on fast modeling / L. Yu. Urazaeva, N. N. Datsun // Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM '2018) May 23–25, 2018, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI". - 2018 .-- pp. 603–606.
Sinkevich G. “Thou shalt find his fruits after many days.” Cantor’s works in Russia // 7th European Congress of Mathematics. July 18–22, 2016. Technische Universität Berlin. Book of Abstracts as per June 17. - 2016. - pp. 699.
Sinkevich G. I A contribution to the history of "epsilonistics"// Koła Matematyków Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie. – 2016. – No 3. – pp. 61–76.
Sinkevich G.I. Richard Dedekind, on the 100th anniversary of his death // Abstracts. 37th Annual international scientific conference of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian National Committee on the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology "Commemorative (anniversary) practices in the history of Russian science." - SPb, November 21–25, 2016 - 2016. - pp. 112–113.
Sinkevich G.I. History of the tangent method // Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling: Problems and Prospects. International scientific and practical conference. Orenburg, May 20–21, 2015: collection of scientific articles. - Orenburg: OGPU Publishing house. - 2015 - pp. 246-250.
Sinkevich G.I. Archimedes: letters to Dosifei and the axiom of completeness // Infinite-dimensional analysis, stochastics, mathematical modeling: new problems and methods. Problems of mathematical and Science Education. Collection of articles of the International Conference / Ed. A.I. Kirillova, S.A. Rozanova. - M., 2015 .-- pp. 366-370.
Sinkevich G. I. Colin Maclaurin (1698–1746) and the method of convergent sequences in his 1742 Treatise on Fluxes // Proceedings of an International Scientific Conference. Education, science and economics in universities and schools. Integration into the international educational space. Armenia, Goris. - 2015. - pp. 434-440.
Sinkevich G.I. Dmitry Meyer - the son of a court musician // Reports of the 71st Scientific Conference of professors, teachers, scientists, engineers and graduate students of the university. - SPb: SPbGASU. - 2015. - pp. 35–40.
Sinkevich G.I. Metaphysics of Richard Dedekind // Reports of the 71st Scientific Conference of professors, teachers, scientists, engineers and graduate students of the University. - SPb: SPbGASU. - 2015. - pp. 31–35.
Sinkevich G.I. 200th anniversary of Karl Weierstrass // Mathematics in Higher Education. - 2015. - No. 13. - pp. 143–165.
Sinkevich G.I. History of the theorem on the limit of a compressed variable // Science and Technology: Questions of History and Theory. Materials of the 36th International Annual Conference of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Russian National Committee on the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (April 21–24, 2015). Issue 31. - SPb: SPbF IIET RAS. - 2015. - pp. 191–192.
Sinkevich G.I. Evolution of the concept of the number line // Transactions of the International Scientific Conference "Education, Science and Economics in Universities and Schools." Integration into the international educational space.” March 24–29, - 2014 Tsaghkadzor..-- V. I. - pp. 450–455.
Sinkevich G.I. the generating role of language in the history of mathematical analysis of the 19th century // Education. The culture. Pedagogy: Materials of the International scientific-practical conference. - SPb: SPbGASU. - 2014 .-- pp. 374–381.
Smirnova V. B. Asymptotic properties of nonlinear singularly perturbed volterra equations/ V. B. Smirnova, A. V. Proskurnikov, N. V. Utina, E. E. Pak// Proceedings of 1st IFAC Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems MICNON 2015, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2015. – pp.604–609. (Date of access: 08.11.2015.)
Smirnova V. B. Cycle slipping in nonlinear circuits under periodic nonlinearities and time delays/ V. B. Smirnova, A. V. Proskurnikov, N. V. Utina// Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Lisbon, Portugal, 2015. – pp. 3084–3087. (Date of access: 08.11.2015.)
Belopolskaya Ya. Probabilistic counterparts of nonlinear parabolic PDE systems// Modern Stochastics and Applications. – 2014. – Vol. 90. – pp. 71–94.
Konovalova L. V. Mathematical education in technical universities of St. Petersburg in the first third of the 20th century // Proceedings of the international scientific conference under the auspices of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan “Education, science and economics in universities and schools. Integration into the international educational space”. V. 1. - Tsaghkadzor (Armenia), 2014 .-- pp. 447-450.
Smirnova V. B., Pak E. E. The absolute stability problem for singularly perturbed systems with feedback // Transactions of the 12th All-Russian meeting on Control Problems. - M .: IPU RAS, 2014 .-- pp. 584-591.
Smirnova V. B., Wager B. G., Livshits A. N. Information-analytical tools of system analysis, modeling and decision making // System analysis in design and management. Collection of scientific papers of the 18th International Scientific and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, July 1-3, 2014, Part 1. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of Polytechnic University, 2014. - pp. 158–162.
Mikhailov A. E. Stable probability distributions in the field of p-adic numbers, limit theorems, velocity estimates // Reports of the 70th Scientific Conference of professors, teachers, researchers, engineers and graduate students of the university. Part III. - SPb: SPbGASU, 2014 .-- pp. 76–79.
Filimonenkova N. V., Ivochkina N. M. On variational ground of the m-Hessian operators// Translations: American Mathematical Society Translations. Series 2. – 2014. – Vol. 232. – pp. 35–53.
Konovalova L.V. Petersburg mathematician Nikolai M. Matveyev (on the occasion of his 100th birthday) // Proceedings of the 12th International Kolmogorov Readings. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House of YAGPU. - 2014 .-- pp. 288–292.
Ermolaeva N. S. On the translation of the course of J. M. K. Duhamel into Russian // Infinite-dimensional analysis, stochastics, mathematical modeling, new problems and methods. Problems of mathematical and Science Education. Abstracts and texts of reports of the International Conference, December 15–18, 2014 - Moscow: RUDN Publishing House, 2014. - pp. 411-412.
- Konovalova L.V. On the sources of mathematical methods in the theory of hydraulic turbines // Transactions of the All-Russian Conference "Infinite-Dimensional Analysis, Stochastics, Mathematical Modeling: New Problems and Methods". - M.: RUDN Publishing House, 2014. - pp. 419-421.