
SPbGASU in university rankings

QS Subject Rankings 2023
QS (Quacquarelli Symonds)

QS World University Rankings by Subject: Architecture & Built Environment

SPbGASU in the QS subjects rankings for the subject Architecture & Built Environment       2022
151–200 places  151–200 places

For the second year, SPbGASU is the only Russian university represented in the Architecture & Built Environment ranking. The university ranks in the 151–200 place range.


The international QS World University Rankings by Subject covers 54 subjects in five broad subject categories. This ranking, compiled by the international rating agency QS Quacquarelli Symonds, has become the largest QS study: it includes 1594 educational institutions from around the world.

Universities were evaluated according to five indicators, including academic reputation and the reputation of the university among employers, the demand for graduates, scientometric and other indicators. In 2023, the QS World University Rankings by Subject included a record number of universities from Russia - 55.

Рейтинг QS EECA 2022
QS (Quacquarelli Symonds)

QS EECA (Emerging Europe and Central Asia QS University Rankings)

  2020 2021 2022
SPbGASU Ranking in Emerging Europe and Central Asia 301 351 401

Since 2010, the international rating agency QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) has been conducting an independent assessment of universities from more than 80 countries. In addition to the general ranking of universities QS World University Rankings, the agency is compiling regional and industry rankings. The QS EECA ranking (Emerging Europe and Central Asia QS University Rankings) has been compiled since 2014 based on open sources, the Scopus scientometric database and the assessment of international experts.

QS (Quacquarelli Symonds)

QS Stars (Rating System)

4 звезды для QS Stars

In 2019, SPbGASU took part in the QS Stars project. According to the results of the audit, the university received four QS stars based on the sum of all criteria. At the same time, in some areas we have a maximum rating of five stars. QS Stars Sertificate


QS Stars project from Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd rating agency is a rating system based on evaluating institutions and identifying the best among them in specific areas, such as academic development, learning environment, graduate employability, inclusiveness.

Rating agency RAEX ("RAEX-Analytics")

Ranking of the best universities in Russia RAEX-100

SPbGASU rating in Russia:

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
70 64 63 59 53 54 51 49 49


The rating is an integral assessment of the quality of training of university graduates, determined by quantitative parameters of the educational and research activities of universities and qualitative characteristics that reflect the opinion of key reference groups: employers, representatives of the academic community and the scientific community, as well as students and university graduates. Universities of creative and sports orientation, as well as universities of law enforcement agencies, cannot participate in the ranking. Held annually since 2011.

Universities ranking by subjects (since 2022, it has been included in the ecosystem of educational rankings "Three Missions of the University")

SPbGASU ranking in the field of study "Construction and Architecture":



In 2020, SPbGASU took first place in the subject ranking in the field of "Construction and Architecture", confirming its high competitiveness and ahead of the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering and the Moscow Architectural Institute (MARCHI).

The full version of the subject ranking materials for 2020 is published on the RAEX website.

SPbGASU ranking in the field of study "Civil Engineering" (since 2022):

2022 2023 2024
13 12 17


On 23 May, 2024, a subject ranking of universities in the field of “Civil Engineering” was published, in which the St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering took 17th place, with 56.42 points. The shortlist for this area includes 20 leading universities.

The full version of the subject rating materials for 2024 is published on the RAEX website.

SPbGASU ratnking in the field of study “Land transport technique and technology”:



In 2023, SPbGASU for the first time became a participant in the subject rating in the field of “Land transport technique and technology” and took 15th place.

The full version of the subject rating materials for 2024 is published on the RAEX website.

"Rector of the University" journal

In the fourth issue of the specialized journal on education "Rector of the University" an analytical report "Rectors of Russia: a breakthrough team" was published, developed by the Kryshtanovskaya Laboratory. Rector of SPbGASU Evgeny Rybnov entered the third group of rectors with high rates of personal achievements, which provided the university with a positive long-term trend.

Rating of annual reports of educational organizations

In 2023, SPbGASU received three stars for the high quality of the annual report in the RAEX competition “Best annual report for 2022”.


Over the course of a quarter of a century, the competition has earned a high reputation in the professional community. Educational organizations can participate in the competition since 2020.

Reports are assessed both in terms of content and design. The authoritative independent commission includes leading experts and developers of annual reporting, including representatives of the RSPP Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.

The design is evaluated by the heads of the largest design bureaus.

History of SPbGASU participation in the competition

In 2021, SPbGASU was included in the list of 18 higher educational institutions out of 35 with the best practice in preparing annual reports.

In 2022, SPbGASU received four stars for the very high quality of the annual report.

Годовой отчет - 4 звезды

Три миссии университета
Rating Compilers Association (RCA)

Moscow International Ranking "Three Missions of the University"

SPbGASU ranking in Russia 87
SPbGASU ranking in the world 1401


The Moscow International Ranking "Three Missions of the University" has been held since 2017. In 2020, the ranking included 1,500 universities from 97 countries, including 101 from Russia. The global academic ranking evaluates universities in three missions: "Education", "Science", "University and Society". To compile the rating, only objective criteria approved by an international group of experts are used. The sources of information are open data from the official websites of universities and national authorities, as well as data from independent international sources.

The full version of the ranking materials in Russian is published in the RAEX Rating Review.

National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

Monitoring the quality of universitiy admissions

Index 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021  2022
Place in the overall ranking for the quality of university admissions* 57  56  81 59 40
45 39  64
* among universities with a budget admission >300 people or with a paid admission > 100 people

In 2022, the monitoring covered 812 Russian universities. The average score for admission to SPbGASU was 75.1 (in 2021 - 78.3) for budgetary admission and 64.7 (in 2021 - 63) for paid admission.

SPbGASU rating by fields of training

Broad field of training             Place in Russia        
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021  2022
Civil engineering 3 3 4 4 4 5 4  6
Architecture and Urban planning 5 4 4 2 1 3 3  2
Geodesy and Land management 7 3 3 7 5 10 4  18
Transport 12 7 16 14 13 18 17  24


The monitoring evaluates the quality of admission to state universities in Russia, enrollment to which is carried out mainly on the basis of the results of the Unified State Examination. Primary data on the course of the admission campaign is collected from open sources - from the websites of universities. The quality of admission is assessed only in the bachelor's and specialist's studies and only full-time education. It has been held annually since 2009.

аппппп.jpgInformation group "Interfax"

National ranking of universities "Interfax"

In 2022, in the consolidated ranking, the university is located in the range of places 169–171, with 368 points. This is the best result of the university for three years of participation in the NRU. Positive dynamics was noted in the parametric ratings in such areas as "Brand": 79 points and a rating range of 104-109; "Socialization": 371 points and a rating range of 141-143; "Cooperation": 340 points; "Innovation / Entrepreneurship": 349 points and 99th place.

Consolidated ranking of the National Ranking of Universities "Interfax"

Consolidated ranking of the NRU "Interfax" 2020 2021 2022
Rating range (points)


(352 points)


(335 ponts)


(368 points)


The National Ranking of Universities project has been implemented by the Interfax Group since 2010. The work of universities is evaluated according to six parameters: educational activities, brand, research activities, social environment, cooperation, innovation and technological entrepreneurship. Based on each parameter, separate ratings are built. The resulting composite rating is the arithmetic result of six parametric ratings, calculated using a special formula. The main goal of the ranking is to develop mechanisms for an independent system for evaluating Russian universities and their educational programs. SPbGASU has been participating in the Interfax National Ranking of Universities since 2020.

MicrosoftTeams-image (41).png
Russian online recruiting platform (HeadHunter)

Ranking of the best Russian universities according to HH.RU

In 2022–2023 411 educational institutions of Russia are represented in the list of participants. 

St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering took 28th place in the All-Russian ranking of universities, gaining 103.8 points, and also entered the top five universities in the Northern capital. Salary expectations of SPbGASU graduates amounted to 60,000 rubles. On average, on the platform, each graduate received 12.7 invitations to interviews from employers.



Place in the ranking

85 place

28 place

Total score

101.2 points

103.8 points

Demand for university graduates among employers



Average salary expectations, rub.

55 000

60 000


The largest online recruiting platform HeadHunter ( presents the ranking of the best universities in Russia. It is based on the analysis of the data contained in the resumes of applicants. Evaluation of universities is carried out according to five parameters:

  • the popularity of the university in its region meaning the share of the number of university graduates in the total number of university graduates in one region;
  • demand for university graduates from employers meaning the average number of interview invitations received by one university graduate from employers on in 2021–2022;
  • the relative level of expected salaries of university graduates meaning the ratio of the median value of the salary indicated in the resume of university graduates to the median value of the salary indicated in the resume of university graduates of one region;
  • the amount of work experience of graduates meaning the average number of months of work experience indicated in the resume of a university graduate;
  • current employment meaning the share of the number of graduates whose resumes contain at least one job with an open graduation date, out of the total number of resumes of university graduates.

A university becomes a member of the ranking if at least 100 of its graduates of the last two years have up-to-date CVs on

RUR Ranking Agency (Round University Ranking)

RUR (Round University Ranking)

Global University Ranking

  2019 2020 2021  2022
SPbGASU ranking in Russia 66 place 75 place 57 place 88 place
SPbGASU ranking in the world 784 place 785 place 739 place 891 place       

SPbGASU ranking by fields of training

Field of training          2020 2021
Place in the world Place in Russia Place in the world Place in Russia
Natural Sciences 594 35 526 25       
Technical Sciences 649 42 643 46


The RUR ranking agency (Round University Ranking) was founded in 2013 in Moscow. It publishes international rankings of higher education institutions and provides consulting services for universities in the field of increasing competitiveness. RUR measures the performance of the world's leading universities in 20 unique metrics and four key areas of university activity: teaching, research, international diversity, financial sustainability. Since the first release, more than a thousand educational institutions from 84 countries have been marked in the ranking.

Guild of experts in the field of vocational education. National Foundation for Educational Innovation Support

Global aggregate ranking

In 2023, as in the previous year, St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering entered the top 10% of world universities according to the Global Aggregate Ranking.

SPbGASU ranking  2020 2021  2022 2023
 Top 10%  Top 10% Top 10% Top10%


The Global Aggregate Ranking is a classification of higher education institutions ranked by the 13 most authoritative global institutional rankings and one public database of accredited programs from European and Asian quality assurance agencies. Each rating has its own goals, audience, methodology, data sources and indicators. To get an objective picture, the ratings should be considered as a whole. This task is solved by the Global Aggregate Ranking, which brings the palette of ratings to a common denominator and assesses the place and role of universities in the world educational processes.

Национальный агрегированный рейтинг
Guild of experts in the field of vocational education. National Foundation for Educational Innovation Support

National aggregate ranking

In 2024, SPbGASU entered the premier league in three subject areas: 07.00.00 Architecture, 08.00.00 Construction technique and technology, 23.00.00 Land transport technique and technology, and the first league in four subject areas: 09.00. 00 Informatics and computer science, 20.00.00 Technosphere safety and environmental management, 38.00.00 Economics and management and 54.00.00 Fine and applied arts.

Subject 2021 2022  2023  2024
01.00.00 Mathematics and Mechanics Second league Third league Third league Second league
07.00.00 Architecture Premier league First league Premier league Premier league
08.00.00 Construction technique and technology Premier league Premier league Premier league Premier league
09.00.00 Informatics and computer science     Third league First league
13.00.00 Electric powert and heat power engineering Second league Second league Third league Third league
15.00.00 Mechanical engineering Second league Third league Third league Second league
20.00.00 Technosphere safety and environmental management Second league First league Second league First league
21.00.00 Applied geology, mining, oil and gas engineering and geodesy Second league
Third league Third league Second league
23.00.00 Land transport technique and technology First league First league Premier league Premier league
27.00.00 Management in technical systems Second league First league Fourth league Fourth league
35.00.00 Agriculture, forestry and fisheries Third league Fourth league Fourth league Fourth league
38.00.00 Economics and management Second league Second league First league First league
40.00.00 Jurisprudence Third league Third league Third league Second league
54.00.00 Fine and applied arts     First league First league


On 22 April, 2021, the Guild of experts in the field of vocational education, in collaboration with the National Foundation for Educational Innovation Support, presented the National Aggregate Ranking by Subject. In 2024, this ranking represented 686 universities, 55 UGSN (enlarged groups of specialties and fields of study) and more than 25,000 fields of study / specialties. The ranking was carried out according to 8 ratings, compiled on the basis of open databases and meeting the requirements of publicity (full information is presented in the public domain), stability (exist for at least three years and periodic evaluation is carried out), mass character (at least 100 universities are evaluated), as well as based on open data, significant procedures for independent assessment of the quality of higher education in Russia:

  • global rankings;
  • national rankings;
  • open data bases;
  • national accreditation agencies;
  • testing centers and centers for national olympiads.

Independent agency for accreditation and rating

IAAR Eurasian University Ranking (IAAR-EUR)

In 2021, St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering took third place in the international ranking of higher educational institutions "IAAR Eurasian University Ranking (IAAR-EUR)".


The independent agency for accreditation and rating conducts an international ranking of higher educational institutions "IAAR Eurasian University Ranking (IAAR-EUR)". IAAR EUR ranks universities based on four criteria:

  • quality of education;
  • scientific potential;
  • international recognition;
  • academic reputation.

The ranking methodology was approved by the experts of the international audit IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence.

Spanish National Research Council, Cybermetrics Lab

Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities

SPbGASU ranking in Russia

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021  2022 2023
100 215 170 106 88 110 121  123 115

In January 2023, the 20th anniversary edition of the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities was released. SPbGASU took 115th place among 1042 Russian universities.


The project of the research group of the Cybermetrics Laboratory of the Spanish National Research Council, Cybermetrics Lab, has been implemented since 2004. The rating evaluates the educational and research achievements of world universities based on an analysis of the representation of universities in the Internet space, through comparing their websites. The results are published twice a year, in January and July. The Webometrics project aims to measure all aspects of university activity.


4 International Colleges & Universities

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022–2023  2024
SPbGASU ranking in Russia 215 129 118 108 109  142  111
SPbGASU ranking in the region (St Petersburg and Leningrad region) 10 12 10        8 10  17  10

In 2024 SPbGASU took 142nd place among 371 universities in Russia and 10th place among 32 universities in the ranking of universities in St Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.


Spanish international search engine and directory for higher education, formerly known as 4 International Colleges & Universities, has been conducting research since May 2005. World universities are evaluated not by the quality of educational programs, but by the popularity of their sites among the global Internet audience. The goal is to give applicants, students and academics around the world an idea of how well-known an educational institution is outside their country.

"Social Navigator" RF MIA "Russia Today"

Rating of demand for universities in the Russian Federation (currently not published)

  2017 2018 2019 2020
Rating of demand for SPbGASU among Russian engineering universities 119 111 77 104


The national ranking of universities in the Russian Federation demonstrates the demand for universities from the Russian economy. The study included 457 state and 114 non-state universities from 81 regions of Russia. The evaluation of universities was carried out according to such criteria as the demand for trained specialists by employers, the commercialization of the intellectual product produced by the university, as well as the demand for a research product. Held from 2016 to 2020.