
Belozerov Pavel G.


Senior lecturer

Academic degree

PhD of Engineering Sciences (2025)

Visiting address

Offices 251-E - 253-E, 5/8 Egorova Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005


Basic information


Specialty: Construction

Qualification: Bachelor’s degree (SPbGASU, 2015)

Specialty: Construction

Qualification: Master’s degree (SPbGASU, 2017) 

Postgraduate studies: Construction technique and technology

Professional development

  • Labour protection of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2018, 40 hours)
  • The pedagogical space of the university: technologies, meanings, values (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Features of teaching disabled people and people with health disorders in a technical university (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)
  • Anti-corruption (teaching staff) (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Life safety (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Information technologies in the educational process of a construction university (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)

Professional interests

  • Scientific research in the field of construction of large-panel buildings and structures
  • Scientific research in the field of technology and organization of construction
  • Educational and methodological developments on the issue of the construction of large-panel buildings and structures

Research interests

  • Development of textbooks on innovation in prefabricated housing construction
  • Quality control of work on the manufacture and installation of reinforced concrete structures
  • Building construction technologies

Scientific conferences

Pavel Belozerov has participated in five scientific conferences.


Pavel Belozerov is the author of four research publications.

The most significant publications


  1. Belozerov, P. G. Cable loops as an interpanel joint / P. G. Belozerov, A. F. Yudina. – 2018.
  2. Belozerov, P. G. Innovations in panel construction / P. G. Belozerov, A. F. Yudina // Actual problems of construction: materials of the 71st All-Russian scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists 4-6 April, 2018 [in 3 parts]. - Part 1. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2018. - P. 3–7.
  3. Tonakanyan, M. M. Methods for developing the main sections of the final qualification work / M. M. Tonakanyan, P. G. Belozerov // Pedagogical parallels: materials of the VI International scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2018.
  4. Belozerov, P. G. Types of nodal connections in modern construction, their advantages and disadvantages / P. G. Belozerov, A. F. Yudina. – Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2020. - No. 1 (84). – P. 97–102.