SpecialtyFinance and creditQualificationEconomist (Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute named after. N. A. Voznesensky, 1984)SpecialtyJurisprudenceQualificationLawyer (St Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2000)
Professional development
Occupational safety training and testing of knowledge of occupational safety requirements
Occupational safety in higher education institutions (31.10.2023–10.11.2023/40/SPbGASU)
General issues of labor protection and functioning of the labor protection management system (2023/16/SPbGASU)
Safe methods and techniques for performing work when exposed to harmful and hazardous production factors, sources of danger identified within the framework of the special assessment of working conditions and assessment of professional risks (2023/16/SPbGASU)
Providing first aid to victims (2023/8/SPbGASU)
By profile of teaching activity
- Organization of inclusive education for disabled people and people with limited physical abilities in higher education institutions and general education organizations (10.10.2022-14.10.2022/16/SPbGPS)
- Information and communication and modern pedagogical technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (08.04.2024-26.04.2024/72/ANO HE SPbLA)
Information and communication technologies
- Information and communication and modern pedagogical technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (08.04.2024-26.04.2024/72/ANO HE SPbLA)
- Financial law
- Constitutional law of Russia
- Jurisprudence
- Tax law
Professional interests
- Methods of teaching legal disciplines
- Formation of professional competencies among trainees
- Possibilities of information and communication technologies in pedagogical and scientific activities
Research interests
- Sustainable development at the state and industry levels
- Economic security
- Legal and economic aspects of Russian business
- Legal and economic aspects of managing organizational systems
Irina Borodushko is the author of more than 100 published scinetific and educational works (including six monographs, 65 articles in journals peer-reviewed by the HAC).