
Chernenkova Anna A.


Office 616-A, 4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petesburg, 190005

Basic information


Bachelor's degree  

Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage (SPbGASU, 2018)

Master's degree

Architecture (SPbGASU, 2021)


  • Architectural and design engineering

Professional interests

  • Design of residential and public buildings
  • BIM design possibilities to adapt cultural heritage sites

Research interests

  • Renovation of former suburban areas, their integration into the modern urban environment
  • Urban perception of the architectural environment

Scientific conferences

Anna Chernenkova has participated in three scientific conferences.


Anna Chernenkova is the author and co-author of four published scientific works.

The most significant publications


  1. Chernenkova, A. A. Historical and cultural potential of the territories of the Ilyinskaya Sloboda and the Okhtinsky gunpowder factory in the north-east of St Petersburg / A. A. Chernenkova // Proceedings of the IV scientific and practical conference "Current issues of the history and theory of architecture". - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2018. - P. 191–193.
  2. Chernenkova, A. A. Principles of preservation and reconstruction of the historical environment of urban outskirts / A. A. Chernenkova // Resource and energy efficient technologies in the construction industry: a collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the VII International scientific and practical conference; Institute of Urban Studies, Architecture and Construction of the Saratov State Technical University named after Yu. A. Gagarin. - Saratov: SSTU Publishing House, 2019 / Ed. by DSc in Engineering, professor Yu. G. Ivashchenko. – P. 144–148.
  3. Survey of town-planning ensembles of the period of 1930–1950s. Appendix / A. A. Glizhinskaya, A. V. Bergman, M. O. Verzun, A. V. Novikova, E. A. Pozdnyakova, E. B. Polyashova, A. A. Chernenkova, A. D. Flustikova / / Current issues of the history and theory of architecture: a collection of materials of the V All-Russian scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2019. - P. 206–293.
  4. Chernenkova, A. A. A model for the preservation and development of the historical territories of the Ilinskaya Sloboda and the Okhtinsky powder factory / A. A. Chernenkova, M. A. Granstrem // Collection of materials of the X Regional creative forum with international participation "Architectural seasons in SPbGASU" [14-17 April 2020]. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. - 218 p.

Additional information

Member of the archaeological expedition of the State Hermitage Museum in Polotsk, Belarus (architectural and archaeological measurements; 2017–2019).
Participant of the I International School ICOMOS-2019 in the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Certified specialist in the field of preservation of cultural heritage objects, in the field of restoration; architect, category III.