
Dushkina Ekaterina V.


Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Juridical Sciences

Visiting address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petesburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyJurisprudence QualificationLawyer (Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, 2002)

Professional development

Occupational safety training and testing of knowledge of occupational safety requirements

  • Occupational safety in higher education institutions (31.10.2023–10.11.2023/40/SPbGASU)

  • General issues of labor protection and functioning of the labor protection management system (2023/16/SPbGASU)

  • Safe methods and techniques for performing work when exposed to harmful and hazardous production factors, sources of danger identified within the framework of the special assessment of working conditions and assessment of professional risks (2023/16/SPbGASU)

  • Providing first aid to victims (2023/8/SPbGASU)

By profile of teaching activity

  • Information and communication and modern pedagogical technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (08.04.2024-26.04.2024/72/ANO HE SPbLA)

Information and communication technologies

  • Information and communication and modern pedagogical technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (08.04.2024-26.04.2024/72/ANO HE SPbLA)


  • Roman law
  • Law enforcement
  • Legal studies
  • History of the state and law of foreign countries
  • Current problems of the theory of state and law

Professional interests

  • Improving the teaching methods of historical-legal and theoretical-legal disciplines
  • Educational and methodological support for independent work of students

Research interests

  • Roman law

Scientific conferences

Ekaterina Dushkina has participated in more than 20 international and national scientific and practical conferences.


Ekaterina Dushkina is the author of more than 20 published scientific and educational works.

The most significant publications


  1. Constitutional law of Russia: workbook / E. V. Dushkina, N. I. Karchevskaya, E. A. Starova, I. A. Talyanina. – Saint Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2023.
  2. Theory of state and law (theory of state): workbook / N. I. Karchevskaya, I. A. Talyanina, E. A. Starova, E. V. Dushkina. – Saint Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2023.
  3. Constitutional law (constitutional law of foreign countries): textbook / E. V. Dushkina, N. I. Karchevskaya, E. A. Starova. – Saint Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2023.


  1. Dushkina, E. V. Components of the reflection of mental phenomena in various types of legal culture / E. V. Dushkina // Pedagogy and psychology in the activities of law enforcement officers: integration of theory and practice: materials of the international scientific and practical conference, St Petersburg, 27 October, 2023. - St Petersburg: St Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2023. - P. 93-97. - EDN LMLVOQ.
  2. Dushkina, E. V. Personal and professional diagnostics in the formation of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies / N. F. Geizhan, E. V. Dushkina, M. G. Barinova // Bulletin of pedagogical sciences. - 2023. - No. 8. - Pp. 32-36. - EDN BBTYDE.
  3. Dushkina, E. V. The influence of legal consciousness on the minimization of legal errors / E. V. Dushkina, N. I. Karchevskaya, D. S. Fomichev // Eurasian Law Journal. - 2023. - No. 11 (186). - P. 75-78. - DOI 10.46320/2073-4506-2023-11-186-75-78. - EDN RXWRKS.
  4. Dushkina, E. V. Legal values: definition of the concept in the context of legal culture / E. V. Dushkina, A. M. Ivanova // International Law Journal. - 2023. - Vol. 6, No. 8. - P. 67-72. - EDN ZSPIKP.
  5. Dushkina, E. V., Demidov, A. V. The rule of law and the concept of the rule of law / E. V. Dushkina, A. V. Demidov // Eurasian Law Journal. - 2024. - No. 4.
  6. Dushkin, A. S. Factors influencing the moral and psychological stability of employees of internal affairs bodies when performing official tasks in special conditions / A. S. Dushkin, E. V. Dushkina // Moral and psychological support for the activities of internal affairs bodies: modern approaches and development prospects: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference, St Petersburg, 6 December, 2023. - St Petersburg: St Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2023. - pp. 186-190. - EDN UDSXQD.